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Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


I. Introduction
English language is an international language, this language has been familiar in our country. Now days all of students learn this language in each level, start form Elementary School, Junior High School, up to Senior High School, by studying this language can be as a preparation for as to face the challenger in the future , we should know that English is a very important language, if we can speak English, it can help us to get job, that is why for the success of learning this language we need some methods, by using fariative method we will more enjoyable in studying this subject, and in this case the writer also try to combine two mwthode , the purpose is to find the appearance of the advantages of its combination.

II. Approach
People use the term approach to refer to theories about the nature of the language and language learning which are the source of the way things are done in the classroom and which provide the region for doing them. An approach describe how language is used and how it is contituen parts interlock-it effers a model language competence an approach describer how people acquire their knowledge of of the language and more statement about the the conditions which will promote succesfull language learning.
Approach could be interpreted as the point of departure, or our point of view toward the process of instruction that refered in the view about the accurance of the process that his characteristic were still being very general, inside strengthened and have the basic to the methode instruction with the theoretical scope certain, seeen from his approach instruction was gotten by two approaches, they are :
1. The approach instruction that be oriented or concentrated on the student (student centered approach).
2. The approach instruction that be oriented or concentrated on the teacher (teacher centured approach).

III. Method
Method can be interpretated as a way in achieving something or it was used to complementacy the plan that has been arranged in real form activity and practical activity to achieve the aim of instruction it has some method of instruction, there are is spesch,demonstration, discussion, field, exercise, debate,etc
(source : Dedi supriawan dan A. Benyamin Surasega, 1990, Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Diktat kuliah) bandung : FPTK.IKIP Bandung.
A method is a practical realisation of an approach originators of the method have arrived at decision of types of activities roles of teachers and learners, the kinds of materials which will be helpful and some model techniques as part of their standard face. When methods have fixed procedures informed by a clearly articulated approach, they are easy to describe it. However the method takes process and techniques from a wide. Range of sources (some of which are used in other method or are informed by other beliefs) it is more difficults to continue describing it as methode, we will return to this discuss past method realities
(source the practice of English Language Teaching) by Teremy Harmer / fourth edition)

IV. Techniques
Technique can be interpreted as the methode or the way that was carried out by some one in to implementacy a method specially for example : They using of the speech method in the class the number of relative students often needed the special techniques that was different in the class that his students was classified as passive.
A common technique when using video or film, material is called silent viewing, this is where the teacher plays the video whit no sound. Silent viewing is a single activity, rather than a sequence and such is a technique rather than a whole procedures like wise the finger technique is used by some teachers, they hold up their hand allocated a word to each of their fife finger.
Example : he is not playing tennis and then by bringing the is and the not finger together another techniq is to tell them selves for a few second just to get their tongues round it
(Source : The practice of (English language Teaching by Teremy Harmer / fourth edition).

The primare gogl engling to communicate using the target language,it is an important method in language learning, we know that the purpose of learning a language is to be agle to use it, and we can aply it in our life in communicative approach acknow lodgment that structures and vocabulary are important .when we communicate we use the language to accomplish some function,such as arguing, persuading or promoting, we carrh out these functions within a social

There is an important techiues which make this method interesting, there are games, so through this technique students are reuirect as much ar possible using the target language, to train them to be communicatively competent.
A speaker will choose a porticuler way to expres his argument hot only bgred opon has intent and his level of emotion, but also on whom he is addressing and what his relationship with that personis.

V.1 Principles of Communicative Approach
1. wheneves possible quthenticlanguage, language as it is used in a real context shouldte inteaduced
Student are expected use target language because the purpore of language learning is communicate)
2. tame are important because they have certain fegtures in common with real communicative events, there is a purpore too the exchonge,also the speaker recalves immediate feedback from the listener on whether or not she has successful.
( the student paly a language game, it is important to increase their English because in playing the game, student should give the information to another student)
3. student should be given an opportunity to expoess their idear and opinions, ideas, through speech)
4. one of tegcher’s major responsibirihes is to estobllish likely to promate communication.
( teacher is a fasilitator and motivator in building student’s skill )
5. communicate intergction encourages coopertative relationship among student, it given students an opportunity to work on negotiation meaning.
(Student can appreciate their friends opinion inwork with a patner to predict what the next picture so the student s increase their target language)
6. Teacher act an advisor during communicative activities
(The techer moves from the group to group ovvering advice and answering questions, it is important to go to communicate procers)
V.2 Tecnique in Communicative Approach
There may be aspects of communicative , this reviewhase been provide in the event you wish to try to we any of techniques or material associated with the communicative approach.
Language Game
Game are used frequently in Communicative Approech, student find enjoyable if they are pronably designed, thet given student valuaty communicate practice. Game thetv ara tuly communicate according tomorrow (in Jhonson and Narrow)
( The speaker had a choice as to what she would predict and how she would predict it) The speaker received feedback frex the remembers her group. If her prediction was incomprehensive, them none of the member of her group would respond. If they got a meaningful response, she could presume her predicton was interested.
Picture Strip Story
Many activities can be done with the picture strip stories, we can suggest one on our discution on scambess of sentences.
Role Play
Role play are very important in the CA because they give the student an apportunity to ptactice the communiucating inn different social context and in different vsociel roles. Role play cabn be set up so that they are very structured who they are. What the situation is and what they will say.
Scambled Sentenses
The student are given the passage (a text) in which the sentences are in the scambled order . This may be a passage they have worked with or one they haven’t seen before. They are told to unscrambled tehe sentences are restored to they original order.
V.2 The Application in the Classroom
The teacher greets the students, and then opening the lesson and then he takes an article of aneck-dote, there are four paragraphs of the article, each paragraph is cut into some parts, and because of the article have four pharagraphs he device the student into agroup.
After cutting the paragraph into some parts and then the teacher fixed up it together , and then he ask the student to arrange the paragraph well in group. After doing that activities, the teacher continuous it with the teatle “Upin dan Ipin” The class is deviced into three grups , each group get the pictures of the actors. The first group give the clue to the another group . Each the member of the first group pronounchig some dialogue have told of the actors have told in the film or mention some characteristic of the actor in the picture. The group wich is chooosed to guess what the oicture try to guess it. This activitiesis done until all of students (group) get the same change.
The student seem to relly enjoy playing the game. The nost interesting way in learning is there games. The studentwill be spirit for teaching learning process. That is why through this method the students are expectedto be anjoy in learning.

Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is an educational precess to help student see meaning in the academic material. they are studying by connecting academic subjects wit the contact of their daily lives, that is with the contact of their personal social and cultural circumstance.
Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) is a learning concept with help the teacher connectbetween the material is taugh wit the situation student’s real world and motivate the students to connection between knowledge with their life application as a member of family andsociety.

The principles of CTL

1. CTL reflects the principle of interdependence. Interdependence is manifest, for inatance, when student collaborate to solve problems and when teachers confert with colleagues. It is apparent when different subjects are linked, and when partnership join schools with businesses and community.
2. CTL reflect the principle of differentiation. Differentiation is evident when CTL challenges students to respect one another’s uniqueness, to respect differences, to be creative, to collaborate, to generate new and different ideas and results, and to realize that diversity is a sign of robustness and strength.
3. CTL reflects the principles of self-organization. Self- organization is apparent when students explore and discover their own distinctive abilities, and interests, benefit from the feedback authentic assessment provides, review their own efforts in the light of clear objectives and specific standars, and participate in student centered activities that make their heart sing.


1. Constructivism
Constructivism is based on think of CTL, Which emphasize that study not only memorize, remember about knowledge but is a teaching learning process, where is the active students in mentality to improve their knowledge, that is based on structure their knowledge.
When the teacher enter in the classroom, the teacher brings something and she asks to the students to guess it. When the students try to guess it, the teacher asks to one students to opens it. The things that has been bring by teacher is connected with the theme that they will learn. Next teacher writes some questions related with theme on the blackboard. Then the teacher divide a passage and ask to the students to the compare their answers base on the text.

2. Questioning
The knowledge that has been had by someone is always begun from questioning. Questioning is the first strategi of CTL.
The teacher show some pictures about animal and ask to the students the name of them. Then, teacher asks the student to touch the pictures and ask student to classify between the first and the second pictures. Then teacher ask the named of animal and ask to the students to mention it one by one.

3. Inquiry
Inquiry begins with observation and progress to understanding a consept or phenomenon. This is a cycling process of observing questioning, investigating, analyzing, and theorizing. By having this activity students develop and employ critics.
Teacher gives the names of animal, which is asked to her students. Then teacher determines the numbers to make some groups. After each group is formed, so teacher divides a envelope. There is a picture in the envelope and teacher asks the student in order to the picture is not know by others groups. Then teacher asks the student to see the picture. Teacher must correct each group and explains if they do not understand. They asked to make a paragraph as many 50 words in 5 minutes. Then teacher ask them to practice it in front of class.

4. Learning Community
Teacher divides a group, then asks three students to come in front of class to determine five people in one group. Then ask them to observe the object around the school. Each group observe the different object. When the students is observing the object, teacher quide them and give the explanation.

5. Modeling
The teacher ask to the students about facilities in their school. Then the student mention it one by one in English, if they mispronouncing, so the teacher correct it and asks to the students to repeat it. After that teacher make a scheme on the blackboard while ask to the students. After the teacher explaining and give the example, teacher asks the students to make a group then teacher ask them to make scheme likes to example then ask them to show it in front of class.

The Application of CTL
The teacher divides a pictures to the students, with The valuable things In My Life. The pictures show two peoples that are dancing. The picture imagine various characteristics. Then, teacher ask each students identify the characters in the picture and write it on the paper. Then teacher check the students knowledge through the questions below :
Do the people look happy ?
Why do you say so ?
What are they doing ?
All of the students are asked to answer the questions.


The teacher enter to the classroom, he greet the students and they respond him, then the teacher introduce the lesson but before he teach, firstly he explains clearly how important language for our life. This explanation is done in English, after that the student are asked to ask the questions that related with teacher’s speech, each students should have one questions in English, after the teacher placed a big picture in front of the class room, by entitle “What do you think?” that picture show two people that are dancing. The picture imagine various characteristics, then the teacher ask each students to identify the characters in the picture and write it on paper, then the teacher checks the students knowledge though the questions below :
Do the people look happy ?
Why do you say so ?
Where it take place ?
All of the students are asked to answer the questions, then the teacher asks to the students to work team. Each group have two people their work are ask questions to their friend and write the respond that given by his friend. Then questions related with the picture that given by teacher.

After that, teacher asks each group to the front of the class to act it out. Where as the group do their work (action), other group pay attention to their friend and make a note about the wrong pronouciation, intonation, stressing, when this process is going on the teacher does the evaluation by using the format evaluation, after that the teacher does the evaluation by using the format evaluation, after that the teacher asks students commands about their friend actions.

I. Direct Method

The direct method is not a new method. It’s principles have been applied by language teacher for many years. It was revived as method when the goal of instruction become learning how to use a foreign language to communicate, since the grammar translation method was not very. Efektive in preparing students to use the target language communicatively, the Direct Method became popular.
The direct method has one very basic rule No translation is allowed, in fact. The direct method receives it’s name from the fact that meaning is to be connected directly with the target language. It is important for us, as a candidat of an English teacher to know that communication is a very important thing in live.
Based on that reason the student are required to be come familiar with English language and then can use is as a tool of communication in this method the teacher are required and the target language in to class room.

> The principles in Direct Method

1. The native language should not be used in the class room.
It is important to be reminded during the teaching learning process take place, the teacher used the target language as a communication with the student so, the native language will not be found as teaching learning process.

2. The teacher should demonstrate not explain or translate
It is desirable that students make a direct association between the target language and meaning.

3. The purpose of language learning is communication
As far teaching learning process, the teacher used the target language make the student could be able to communicate by using the target language.

4. Student should learn to think in the target language as soon as possible
Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if student use it in full sentences rather than memorizing word lists.

> Techniques in the Direct Method

There are some techniques than can be applied in teaching learning process they are :
* Read Aloud
Student take turns reading section of a passage, play or doing dialog out loud. At the and of each students turn, the teacher use guestures, picture, example or other to make the meaning of the section clear. With reading the passage loudly student can improve their pronounciation, it easier for other student to listen clearly and understand about the passage.

* Questions and Answer Exercise
This exercise is conducted only in the target language. Student are asked questions and answer in full sentences so that they practice with new word and grammatical structure. They have the opportunity to ask questions as well as answer them.

* Conversation Practice
The teacher ask student a number of questions contain a particular grammar structure in the target language, and then student were able to ask their friends with their own question using the some picture.

* Dictation
The teacher reads the passage three times. The fist time the teacher reads it a normal speed, while the student just listen. The second time he reads the passage phrase, pausing long enough to allow student to write down what they have heard they have heard the lard time teacher again reads at a normal speed and students check their work.
* Paragraph Writing

> The Application of the Direct Method
The teacher is calling the class to order as we find seats toward the back of the room. He asks the student open their books to a certain page number, the student are called on one by one, they read a sentence from the reading passage at the beginning of the lesson. The lesson is titled : “ Nasreddin is a poor man”
“ Nasreddin was very poor, he didn’t have any money to buy even some fruits he know that his neighbor had a large garden of fruits trees but the garden was surrounded by a high concrete fence Nasreddin climbed the fence and jumped into the garden. He climbed up the most fruitful tree. He picked some fruits and put them into his bag”
After the students finish reading the passage, they are asked if they have any questions. A student asks what is fence mean ?
The student nods says, “I understand”. Another students asks what is “fruit” means. The teacher replies “ the kinds of fruits are apple, banana, orange and soon. Now do you understand the meaning of “fruit” ?
“the student answers “ yes I understand”

After all of question have been answered, the teacher ask some of his own” okey class, I want to ask you “are we studying about the rich man? “ the class replies chorus “No!” Teacher reminds the class to answer in a full sentence
“No, we are not studying about the rich man”
The question and answer session continues for a few more minutes
The method there is of communication approach.

> The purpose of study
1. The students can response about the text
2. The students can know about the purpose of the text

> The combination of direct method and CTL

Could you imagine if two methods are combine in an instructional process ? it is an important way in order to able to converse or help the weakness of two method.
And it is also will be more effective in learning a language . This combination will result an attractive method, because we know each other method has different goal
In learning language, they are direct method for communication or in direct method
Language.Is seen what native speaker speak so that language learners not only learn the target language but also the culture of the native speaker, and the other one contextual teaching learning with the goal is for helping students in achieving their

> The application of combination method (Direct method and CTL )

When the teacher enters the classroom, He greets students firstly after that He opens the lesson, the teacher informs the cassock class, today we will study about reading. Know please look at this picture what picture is it ? one student rises her hand up says “ the water fall miss, the teacher replies “ yes a good answer”

* Principle of CTL

CTL reflect the principle of differentiation, differentiation, is evident when CTL
Challenges students to respect one anthers uniqueness, to respect differences, to be creative, to collaborate, to generate new and different ideas and results and

to realize that diversity is a sign of robustness and strength. “ok now read the passage about the waterfall, after that if you have questions ask me, ok class, now please read it aloud !”.

* Principle of Direct method
Reading in the target language should be taught from the beginning of language the teacher ask them to ask him if they have questions one student rises his hand up and ask the teacher. Miss, what is the meaning of railway? And the teacher explains the meaning of railway by using picture or demonstrate meaning.

* Principle of Direct method
The teacher should demonstrate not translate or explain.

The comparison of combination of the two methods and a single pure method

The combination of two methods of course get the effect in the application, that are the advantages or the disadvantages below. I will show it, the advantages and the weakness of the combination methods over a single pure method.

Combination: The students can learn three important aspects (literacy Approach):
They are speaking, riding, and writing. As we know that the purpose of Direct to use foreign language to communicate, and the purpose of CTL is for helping a students in achieving their purpose.

A single method : the students are developed in two aspect skill, they are reading and writing.

Combination : The techniques will be more varieties than single method in teaching learning process.

A single method : using the same techniques

Combination : Difficult to make the students understand in learning because, not all the words can be demonstrated, sometime there are some words need explanation or translation. Know that there is no explanation and translation in this method.

A single method : Teacher will be easier in making the students understand. In learning. When the teacher and students get the difficult in learning they can use the native language.

Disadvantages of combination methods. : Nearly there is no the weakness of this combination, because the weakness of the methods have been closed by each other.


We have seen the explanation about the advantages and the weaknes of the combination of two methods over a single method. We can see that the result of the combination have more advantages than a single method in all aspect. In our country the combination of these method is suitsble to be applied, it make the students active in teaching learning process and train the students to understand about material which is read by their teacher and also train the students to memorize it. Based on that reason in the combination methods are tried to solve the problem which is faced by teachers and learners in learning foreign language.


* Larsen-freeman, Diane. 1983. Second Language acquisition :
Getting the whole picture.
* Anthony, Edward M.1963. Approach, method and technique.
English language learning as a second language, eds.
* Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
* Marta Yuliani, Gandes Cukat Permaty. English for Better life.
For Senior high school.

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