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Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

THE KITE RUNNER OF KHALED HOSSEINI (Analysis of Characters and Theme)

(Analysis of Characters and Theme)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Degree of
“Sarjana Pendidikan”




(Analysis of Characters and Theme)


Name : Miswari
Student’s No. : 04112002
Major : Language and Art
Study Program: Eng1ish

Approved by

Supervisor I, Supervisor II,

Prof.Dr.A.Halim Majid, M.Pd Drs. M. Usman, M.Pd
NIP. 131 860 662 NIP. 132 131 313

Acknowledged by

Head of Language and Art Department Head of English Department

Drs. Umar Usman Drs. Umar Usman
NIP. 130 243 479 NIP. 130 243 479

The Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty

Drs. Hasan Yacob, MM
NIP. 130 439 243


Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for Allah SWT, who has been continuously giving me a good health, strength and knowledge in writing this thesis. Then, peace and salutation to the prophet Muhammad SAW, who had brought us from the darkness to the lightness.
Secondly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Prof.Dr. A. Halim Majid, M.Pd and Drs. M.Usman, M.Pd as my thesis supervisors for their constructive guidance and direction beside encouragement throughout various phases of this study.
My sincere appreciation also goes to all my lecturers at English Department of FKIP who taught, encouraged, and guided me during the time I studied and prepared this skripsi.
Finally, I am also deeply indebted to my beloved parents, and for their support, perseverance, and endless love in doing my thesis. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Amin ya rabbal a’lamin.

Lampoh Keudee, February, 2010

The Writer

Miswari, 2009, The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseini (Analysis of Character and Theme). Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of Abulyatama University. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. A. Halim Majid, M.Pd and (2) Drs. M. Usman, M.Pd
Key words: Novel. Analysis Character, Theme and Moral Message of The Kite Runner, Literature
It is necessary for the writer to extract the description upon the contents of character analysis. The result of study might have produced the writer to expose the descriptive of the characters. The writer got starting to dig some advantages of describing the characters in the novel of ‘The Kite Runner’ through the story that is taking us from Afghanistan in the final days of the monarchy to the present, ‘The Kite Runner’ is the unforgettable, beautifully told story of the friendship between two boys growing up in Kabul. Raised in the same household and sharing the same wet nurse, Amir and Hassan nonetheless grow up in different worlds: Amir is the son of a prominent and wealthy man, while Hassan, the son of Amir's father's servant, is a Hazara, member of a shunned ethnic minority. Their intertwined lives, and their fates, reflect the eventual tragedy of the world around them. When the Soviets invade and Amir and his father flee the country for a new life in California, Amir thinks that he has escaped his past. And yet he cannot leave the memory of Hassan behind him. The Kite Runner is a novel about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty. It is about the bonds between fathers and sons, and the power of their lies. Written against a history that has not been told in fiction before, The Kite Runner describes the rich culture and beauty of a land in the process of being destroyed. But with the devastation, Khaled Hosseini also gives us hope: through the novel's faith in the power of reading and storytelling, and in the possibilities he shows for redemption. Through the pieces of line above give us the advantage in firm stance of life upon the harm that we did. It is brought us to redeem our guiltiness. Those advantages were not resulted without using good methodology whichever the method that we used in digging some information related to the issue. The writer felt the method that the writer used is accurate and effective so that the description of the character is now producing through the finding of the main issue of the characters, theme and moral message. Those criteria are appearing through first person point of view, as Amir tells the story of his life, especially his childhood. This point of view gives the feeling of a memoir or, more appropriately, a confession. Amir recalls all events honestly and accurately, though the events of childhood still hold the thoughts and emotions of a young boy, rather than an adult man. The abstract appears after the writer doing some designs of study such as methodology, the significant of study, the finding point of view of study and linked with the categories of literature.



1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem of the Study 3
1.3 The Purpose of the Study 4
1.4 The Scope of the Study 4
1.5 The Significant of the Study 4
1.6 The Method of the Study 5
1.7 The Organization of the Study 5

2.1 Definition of Literature 6
2.2 The Form of Literature 8
2.2.1 Poetry 8
2.2.2 Prose 9
2.2.3 Novel 11 Theme 12 Character 13 Setting 14 Plot 14
2.2.4 Drama 15
2.3 Biography of Khaled Hosseini 16

3.1 Plot of the Kite Runner 18
3.2 Amir 22
3.3 Hassan 50
3.4 Baba 56
3.5 Assef 64
3.6 Soraya 67
3.7 The Theme of the Kite Runner 69
3.8 Moral Message of the Kite Runner 70

4.1 Conclusion 71
4.2 Suggestion 73

APPENDIX 1. Appointment Letter of Supervisor
2. Autobiography


1.1 Background of the Study
Language is a tool of communication that is being used by the people around the world. In this world language has many various languages. One of those languages that is quite familiar for us is English. English also provides the people to know better its characteristic from dialect, grammar until the literature. Literature of English delivers a significant rule in study. Most of English learners are taking a part to dig deeper the literature side. Literature is an art which contains many humanity elements such as feeling, enthusiasm, trust and conviction. The word “literature” also has different meanings depend on who is using it and in what context. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letter. In a more narrow sense the term could mean only text composed of letters, or other examples of symbolic written language. Through the illustration we are as English learner is triggering to have more understandable about literature. By digging the information relate to the literature, we would find the interesting in the story that we read.
Formal or non formal students of English have to read and explore the literature such a novel, short stories, poem and essay. Then, after the students read on study and discuss in the class teacher may give an assignment to the students to analyze the obstacle words of the story so that it is easy for students to find the direction and meaning of the story. Panghilito Luigi (1976:112) said that “Literature is a slice of life that has been given direction and meaning, an artistic interpretation of the world according to the percipient’s point of views”. Frequently, the text that makes up an artistic literature is novel, poem, poetry, drama, etc. In those literary works the writer try to deliver the interpretation through the artistic words so that the people who read those literary works find the happiness, and having fun in reading those stories. Literature or literary works also contains many utterance forms that have different characters each other.
One of literature form is novel which can be defined as a long story written in prose. Novel is also kind of imaginative literature which belongs to narrative fiction. In addition, early novels in Europe did not, at that the time, count as significant literature, perhaps because “mere” prose writing seemed easy and unimportant. It has become obviously, however, that prose writing can provide aesthetic pleasure without adhering to poetic forms. Additionally, the freedom authors gain in not having to concern themselves with verse structure translates often into more complex plot or into one richer in precise detail than one typically finds even in narrative poetry. This freedom also allows an author to experiment with many different literary and presentation styles, including poetry-in the scope of a single novel.
One of the world class novel writer is Khaled Hosseini whose novels obtain the high record and best seller. His first work is ‘The Kite Runner’ which has been translated in many languages. ‘The Kite Runner’ tell the story of Amir, a young boy from Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, who betrayed his best friend Hassan, the son of his father’s Hazara servant but lives in regret. The story is set against a backdrop of tumultuous events, from the fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan through the Soviet invasion, the mass exodus of refuges to Pakistan and the United States of America (USA) and the rise of the Taliban regime. ‘The Kite Runner’ was published May 29, 2003 with number of 324 pages.
‘The Kite Runner’ was the first best seller novel for 2005 in the United States of America (USA) according to Nielsen Book Scan. It was also voted 2006’s reading group book of the year. Khaled Hosseini’s first novel headed a list of 60 titles submitted by entrants to the Penguin/Orange Reading Group prize United Kingdom. However, there have been some critiques of “The Kite Runner” addressed by the others writers.

1.2 The Problem of the Study
When we are discussing about novel, it will bring us about exploring the character, theme and moral message in it. In novel we can see a lot of elements such as setting, plot, character, theme, moral message and etc. In this thesis the writer will formulate the problems as follows:
1. How are the characterization of the characters in the novel of ‘The Kite Runner?’
2. What is the theme of the novel of ‘The Kite Runner’?
3. What is the moral message in the novel of ‘The Kite Runner?’

1.3 The Purpose of the Study
According to the problems above, the purpose of study are as follows:
1. To find out how the characterization of the characters of the novel are.
2. To find out the theme of the novel is.
3. To find out what the moral message in the novel is.

1.4 The Scope of the Study
In the scope of the study, the writer will only analyze the characters, theme and the moral message in ‘The Kite Runner’. ‘The Kite Runner’ is as the first novel was written in English by Afghan writer and the book appeared on many books club reading lists. The novel is set in Afghanistan from the late 1970s to 1981 and the start of the Soviet occupation, then in Afghan community in Fremont, California from the 1980s to the early 2000s, and finally in contemporary Afghanistan during the Taliban regime.

1.5 The Significant of the Study
The writer highly expects that the result of this study can produce the motivation to the people who love the literary work and might result the benefit for the student in finding the information of the literary work. The writer also expects that this study can also increase writer’s knowledge and capacity in English literature and get more vocabularies and practicing in writing English as a second language which is a prominent language and more desirable to learn it.

1.6 The Method of the Study
In order to gain the accurate information in finishing this thesis the writer will collects the data by using library research as the method of this study. In analyzing, the writer will have to collect the data, from relevant book and other articles that involve literary and history of the author from library and other sources. Then the writer will also find the data through internet as the world global information data.
There are some steps in the analysis. Firstly, the writer reads the data which relates to the title “‘The Kite Runner’ of Khaled Hosseini (Analysis Characters and Theme)”. Secondly, the writer will read some books to find out the data relate to those issues.

1.7 The Organization of the Study
This study organizes into four chapters. Chapter one deals with the background of study, the problem of study, the purpose of study, the method, the advantage of study and the organization of the study. Chapter two deals with reviews of literature. Chapter three deals with analysis of characters and theme of ‘The Kite Runner’. While the conclusion and suggestions will be presented in last chapter, chapter four.


2.1 Definition of Literature
Literature is a written form which expose the idea in art way. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995:687) said that “Literature is writings that are valued as works of art, especially fiction, drama and poetry (in contrast with technical books and newspaper, magazines, etc)”. If we follow the definition, it tells us that the literature is not focusing on the literary work only, but every kind of writing is called as literature. But, we have to classify into the specific meaning of literature since literature has many definitions, it just how to define it. Here, the writer intends to give the specific definition of literature. As we can see in Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary (1983:1056) defines literature as follow: (a) “All writings in prose or verse, especially those of an imaginative or critical character, without regard to their excellence : often distinguished from scientific writings, new reporting, etc, (b) “All of such writings considered as having permanent value, excellence of form, great emotional effect, etc.”
The explanation above can be concluded that literature deals with an effort to reveal ideas and expression of trivial phenomenon, an author has in a form of literature, either fiction such a romance novel or other forms of literature. Moreover, literature must be borne in mind that, given the significance of distance as a cultural isolator in earlier centuries, the historical development of literature did not occur at an even pace across the world.
On literary works, we can obtain knowledge and understanding about humanity, world and life. One of the most popular theory is citied by Sabesta, Donnellson, which derives from Louise Rosenblatt (1993:7) :
Reading literature is a “performing art,” not necessarily in his sense of oral interpretation or staged drama but in the sense that readers of any age must bring it to life. It is called a transaction theory. Readers transact with literature on the page to construct meaning and feeling.

A good literary work can make the readers fell more enjoyable and happy through the texts or contains of literary works, readers reconstruct their imagination and relate their own experience to what literature “says” to them. The transaction sometime confined to narrative fiction or belles-letters. It applies, perhaps equally, to expository non-fiction. A literary technique may be used by works of literature in order to produce a specific effect on the readers.
As we recognize literature begins by thinking and leading us to the though about something that we did not know before, so literature needs a power of imagination to result a good literary works. More generally, one can equate a literature with a collection of stories, poems, and plays that revolve around a particular topic. In this case, the stories, poems and play may or may not have nationalistic implications.

2.2 The Forms of Literature
2.2.1 Poetry
Poetry is the collection of poems or poem in general. The poem is kind of a peace writing in verse, especially one expressing deep feeling. Poem rely heavily on imagery, precise word choice, and metaphor, they may take the form of measures consisting of patterns of stresses (metric feet) or of patterns of different-length syllables (as in classical prosody), and they may or may not utilize rhyme. One can not readily characterize poetry precisely. Some poetry uses specific forms: the haiku, the limerick, or the sonnet, for example. A traditional haiku written in Japanese must have something to do with nature, contain seventeen onji (syllables), distributed over three lines in groups of five, seven, and five, and should also have a kigo, a specific word indicating a season. A limerick has five lines, with a rhyme scheme of AABBA, and line lengths of 3,3,2,2,3 stressed syllables. It traditionally has a less reverent attitude towards nature.
Typically though, poetry as a form of literature makes some significant use of the formal properties of the words which use the properties attached to the written or spoken form of the words, rather than to their meaning. Metre depends on syllables and on rhythms of speech; rhyme and alliteration depend on words that have similar pronunciation.
Rhyme in poetry is a pattern of stressed and unstressed sound; a highly pronounced rhyme is common in such forms of poetry as charms collage yells, and lullabies. Among the most common device in poem is verbal irony. The speaker’s words mean or less the opposite of what they say; sometime verbal irony takes the form of overstatement, or hyperbole.
Laurence A. Kirkpatrick and William W.Goodfellow (1968:7) States that “Poetry does, however, seem to have one clear characteristic, it has rhythm. Probably the poems you know best have regular, easily felt rhythm very similar to the rhythmic beat of music”.
Rhythm is an essential in poetry. It is necessary to add, however, that is not all poets choose to write in such regular, metrical patterns as the one illustrated in the quotation above. There is in language a very delicate “natural” rhythm that skilled writers can fell and they sometime use in a type of poetry known as “free verse.” Free verse does not follow precisely the same rules as metrical poetry. The reader is aware, however, of the subtle “rightness” of the way in which the poet has expressed his thoughts, much as a listener is aware that certain arrangement of notes has produced a true and memorable melody.

2.2.2 Prose
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic writing," writing, perhaps. The term sometimes appears pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words. Prose writing can of course take beautiful form; but less by virtue of the formal features of words (rhymes, illiteration, metre) but rather by style, placement, or inclusion of graphics. But one need not mark the distinction precisely, and perhaps cannot do so. Note the classifications as prose poetry which attempts to convey the aesthetic richness typical of poetry using only prose and free verse or poetry not adhering to any of the structures of one or another formal poetic style.
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favors prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like. Singular examples of these exist throughout history, but they did not develop into systematic and discrete literary forms until relatively recent centuries. Length often serves to categorize works of prose fiction. Although limits remain somewhat arbitrary, modern publishing conventions dictate in the following:
a. Mini Saga is a short story of exactly 50 words
b. A flash fiction is generally defined as a piece of prose under a thousand words.
c. A short story comprises prose writing of less than 10,000 to 20,000 words, but typically more than 500 words, which may or may not have a narrative arc.
d. A story containing between 20,000 and 50,000 words falls into the novella category.
e. A work of fiction containing more than 50,000 words falls squarely into the realm of the novel.

2.2.3 Novel
A novel consists simply of a long story written in prose, yet the form developed comparatively recently. Icelandic prose sagas dating from about the 11th century bridge the gap between traditional national verse epics and the modern psychological novel. In mainland Europe, the Spaniard Cervantes wrote perhaps the first influential novel: Don Quixote, the first part of which was published in 1605 and the second in 1615. Earlier collections of tales, such as Boccaccio's Decameron and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, have comparable forms and would classify as novels if written today. Earlier works written in Asia resemble even more strongly the novel as we now think of it — for example, works such as the Chinese Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Japanese Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki.
Novel is a kind of imaginative literature which belongs to narrative fiction. The literature of imaginations always present experience by a fictitious presentation of persons, idea, and events. In novel, all events or ideas are almost the same with the reality. The early “novel” contrasting the early “romance” was basically any story told for its spectacular or revealing incidents. The original environment-living on with the typical frame setting was the entertaining conversation.
The novel proved to be a medium for a communication both intimate (novel can be read privately whereas plays are always a public event) and public (novels are published and thus become a matter touching the public, if not the nation, and its vital interest), a medium of a personal point of view which can get the world into its view. The author creates character, plot, and setting which is familiar to the reader’s in order to make them easily understand the point of view of the novel, comprehend and enjoy the story that the author serves. Novel has a complex plot, many characters, complex theme, various atmospheres and setting. It means that a novel has broad dimension which includes a lot of characters, scenes, episodes, a complex plot, and having more than 100.000 words and also has various setting. However, it is not a must. Sometime, just one element of novel that has a broad dimension. Theme
The theme is the central message of literary work. It is not the same as a subject, which can be expressed in a word or two. The theme is the idea of the author wishes to convey about that subject. It is not a condensed summary of the plot. Instead, it is a generalization about people or about life that is communicated through literary work. In addition, the theme can be also defined a central idea. In nonfiction prose it may be thought of as the general topic of discussion, the subject of the discourse, the thesis. In poetry, fiction, and drama it is the abstract concept that is made concrete through representation in person, action, and image.
The writers express the themes in various ways through the plots, character, symbols, or other aspect of the fiction they create. A complex work may have more than one theme, thought often one idea will predominate. In determining a work’s theme, it is often helpful to differ it from the work’s plot or its subject matter. The plot is the outline of event in a story while the subject matter is what the work is specially about. Character
Character is the person in the literary work or the personality of such a figure sentimental lover, or whatever. If we analyze a character, we will discover that the persons who involved in novel have stamped themselves with certain predominant traits and motives that distinguish him from another character.
Characters in the first sense are sometime classified as either “flat” or “round”. Flat is one dimensional and round is fully realized or complex. The main character in fiction or in play is called protagonist, in many stories an important opponent pitted against him, it was called the antagonist who provides opposition.
Traditionally, the protagonist is also the hero, heroin or the survivor. An admirable character that embodies widely accepted strengths, virtues, and good morality. The antagonist in such fiction or in play represent contrasting weakness and vices, and if the unsavory enough the word villain or villainies is used. The describing of the characters in a story determines the quality of the story. If the character in the story is weak, it will make the story become weak and make the readers are not interested in reading it.
Often it is the characters, rather that the plot, that most interest us. It is what Edward P.J Corbet (1983:243) States:
“If a storytellers especially skillful, the characters become even more real to us that people we know in our daily lives, and we can talk about them as though they were real people. They are women or men, young or old, noble or base, aggressive or timid, likable or unappealing, intelligent or stupid. We can picture what they look like, how they dress, how they carry themselves”

It can be said that the character always focus on what they wore, how they dress, the way they walk, how their hair look like and so on. Setting
Every story is acted out in a particular place and time. We may want to talk about that setting, either for its own sake or for its function in the story. We may find the setting interesting for its own sake because it transports you to a far away place and a long-ago time, or we may find the setting interesting simply because it is familiar and contemporary. In either case, the author’s descriptions help us to visualize the scene.
But sometimes you are interested in the setting because it plays an important part in the drama of a story. The setting becomes more than just a place and time in which the action occurs, it becomes atmosphere, helping to set the mood and the tension in the story.
Setting is also defined as words that describe about all the sights and sounds which used to tell the readers about where and when the story take places and to describe the social environment which all of these gives the readers the frames of characters of the story. Plot
According to Boyton and Mack (1965:12)” The plot of a story is a series of interrelated events, during which some conflicts or problems of a story are resolved”. Thus plot is the narrative language element which connects events and links episodes from the beginning, the middle, up to the end of the story and reaches a planned conclusion.

2.2.4 Drama
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continues to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic/theatrical performance rather than at reading. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, opera developed as a combination of poetry, drama, and music. Nearly all drama took verse form until comparatively recently. Shakespeare could be considered drama. Romeo and Juliet as example, is a classic romantic drama generally accepted as literature. According to Banham, Martin (1998) States that “Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance, it is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘action”.
According to his explanation above dramas are performed in various media, theater, radio, film, and television. Drama is often combined with the music and dance: the drama in opera is sung throughout, musicals include spoken dialogue and songs; and song forms of drama have regular musical accompaniment (melodrama). In certain period of history (the ancient Roman and modern Romantic) dramas have been written to be read rather than performed.
Drama has a holistic way of teaching people. Whether it is formed in play or by partaking a role-play situation, participants learn through interactions with others. This allows participants to not only learn facts as they would from a book or in a classroom, but to enter the world of another person, to be allowed to explore how they feel about this situation or person. Every interaction with another character or situation gives a greater understanding of what is happening around us.
It is different context when we perform the drama, in the theater, drama is a living, breathing art form. Actors are placed on stage, so that they can breathe life into the characters that have been created by the playwrights. In theater, the two main things to consider are drama is driven by conflict and drama is action. Action can be loosely defined as anything a character does with an objective behind it, whereas conflict can be briefly summarized as a clash between the motives of one or more characters.

2.3 Biography of Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. His father was a diplomat with the Afghan Foreign Ministry and his mother taught Farsi and History at a large high school in Kabul. In 1976, the Afghan Foreign Ministry relocated the Hosseini family to Paris. They were ready to return to Kabul in 1980, but by then Afghanistan had already witnessed a bloody communist coup and the invasion of the Soviet army. The Hosseini’s sought and were granted political asylum in United States of America (USA). In September of 1980, Hosseini's family moved to San Jose, California. According to his personal website (www.khaled states that:
Hosseini graduated from high school in 1984 and enrolled at Santa Clara University where he earned a bachelor's degree in Biology in 1988. The following year, he entered the University of California-San Diego's School of Medicine, where he earned a Medical Degree in 1993. He completed his residency at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. Hosseini was a practicing internist between 1996 and 2004.
While in medical practice, Hosseini began writing his first novel, ‘The Kite Runner’, in March of 2001. In 2003, ‘The Kite Runner’, was published and has since become an international bestseller, published in 48 countries. In 2006 he was named a goodwill envoy to UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency. His second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns was published in May of 2007. Currently, A Thousand Splendid Suns is published in 25 countries. He lives in northern California with a family until the present time.


3.1 Plot of ‘The Kite Runner’
In order to describe the analysis of the characters of ‘The Kite Runner’, it is necessary for the writer to present the plot of that story. It becomes a brief introduction of each character of ‘The Kite Runner’.
‘The Kite Runner’ tells the story of Amir, an Afghan man living in San Fransisco of United States of America (USA). He receives a call from an old friend of his father's, living in Pakistan, which brings back bittersweet memories of his childhood in Kabul, Afghanistan. Amir tells of his idyllic childhood in Kabul, where his father enjoyed much financial success and prestige. With him and his father live their servants, Ali and his son, Hassan. Social class separates the two boys from true friendship. However, they share much of their time in boyhood. Hassan respects and reveres Amir, even protects him from neighborhood bullies. In Amir's twelfth year, he wins the neighborhood kite-fighting tournament, which, he prays, earns his father's respect. All of Amir's childhood, he feels his father wishes for a more manly son.
Amir is also a well-to-do Pashtun boy, and Hassan, a Hazara and the son of Amir's father's servant, Ali, spend their days in a peaceful Kabul, kite fighting, roaming the streets and being boys. Amir’s father (who is generally referred to as Baba, "daddy", throughout the book) loves both the boys, but seems critical of Amir for not being manly enough. Amir also fears his father blames him for his mother’s death during childbirth. However, he has a kind father figure in the form of Rahim Khan, Baba’s friend, who understands Amir better, and is supportive of his interest in writing stories.
Assef, a notoriously mean and violent older boy with sadistic tendencies, blames Amir for socializing with a Hazara,which is, according to Assef, an inferior race that should only live in Hazarajat. He prepares to attack Amir with his brass knuckles, but Hassan bravely stands up to him, threatening to shoot out Assef's left eye with his slingshot. Assef and his henchmen back off, but Assef says he will take revenge.
Hassan is a successful "kite runner" for Amir, knowing where the kite will land without even watching it. One triumphant day, Amir wins the local tournament, and finally Baba's praise. Hassan goes to run the last cut kite, a great trophy, for Amir saying "For you, a thousand times over." Unfortunately, Hassan runs into Assef and his two henchmen. Hassan refuses to give up Amir's kite, so Assef exacts his revenge, assaulting and raping him. Wondering why Hassan is taking so long while Amir searches for Hassan and hides when he hears Assef's voice. He witnesses the rape but is too scared to help him. Afterwards, for some time Hassan and Amir keep a distance from each other. Amir reacts indifferently because he feels ashamed, and is frustrated by Hassan's saint-like behavior. Already jealous of Baba's love for Hassan, he worries if Baba knew how bravely Hassan defended Amir's kite, and how cowardly Amir acted, that Baba's love for Hassan would grow even more.
To force Hassan to leave, Amir frames him as a thief, and Hassan falsely confesses. Baba forgives him, despite the fact that, as he explained earlier, he believes that "there is no act more wretched than stealing." Hassan and his father Ali, to Baba's extreme sorrow, leave anyway. Hassan's departure frees Amir of the daily reminder of his cowardice and betrayal, but he still lives in their shadow and his guilt.
Five years later, the Russians invaded Afghanistan; Amir and Baba escape to Peshawar, Pakistan and then to Fremont, California, where Amir and Baba, who lived in luxury in an expansive mansion in Afghanistan, settle in a run-down apartment and Baba begins work at a gas station. Amir eventually takes classes at a local community college to develop his writing skills. Every Sunday, Baba and Amir make extra money selling used goods at a flea market in San Jose. There, Amir meets fellow refugee Soraya Taheri and her family. Soraya's father, who was a high-ranking officer in Afghanistan, has contempt of Amir's literary aspiration. Baba is diagnosed with terminal oat cell carcinoma but is still capable of granting Amir one last favor: he asks Soraya's father's permission for Amir to marry her. He agrees and the two marry. Shortly thereafter Baba dies. Amir and Soraya learn that they cannot have children.
Amir embarks on a successful career as a novelist. Fifteen years after his wedding, Amir receives a call from Rahim Khan, who is dying from an illness. Rahim Khan asks Amir to come to Pakistan. He enigmatically tells Amir "there is a way to be good again." Amir goes. From Rahim Khan, Amir learns the fates of Ali and Hassan. Ali was killed by a land mine. Hassan had a wife and a son, named Sohrab, and had returned to Baba’s house as a caretaker at Rahim Khan’s request. One day the Taliban ordered him to give it up and leave, but he refused, and was murdered, along with his wife. Rahim Khan reveals that Ali was not really Hassan's father. Hassan was actually the son of Baba, therefore Amir's half-brother. Finally, Rahim Khan tells Amir that the true reason he has called Amir to Pakistan is to go to Kabul to rescue Hassan's son, Sohrab, from an orphanage.
Amir returns to Taliban-controlled Kabul with a guide, Farid, and searches for Sohrab at the orphanage. In order to enter Taliban territory, Amir, who is normally clean shaven, dons a fake beard and moustache, because otherwise the Taliban would exact Sharia punishment against him. However, he does not find Sohrab where he was supposed to be: the director of the orphanage tells them that a Taliban official comes often, brings cash and usually takes a girl back with him. Once in a while however, he takes a boy, recently Sohrab. The director tells Amir to go to a soccer match and the man wearing the John Lennon glasses is the man who took Sohrab. Farid manages to secure an appointment with the speaker at his home, by saying that he and Amir have "personal business" with him.
At the house, Amir has his meeting with the man in sunglasses who says the man who does the speeches is not available, due to the fact that he is participating in wrongful acts of adultery. The man in sunglasses is eventually revealed to be his childhood nemesis, Assef. Assef is aware of Amir's identity from the very beginning, but Amir doesn't realize who he's sitting across from until Assef starts asking about Ali, Baba and Hassan. Sohrab is being kept at the home where he is made to dance dressed in woman's clothes, and it seems Assef might have been sexually assaulting him. (Sohrab later says, "I'm so dirty and full of sin. The bad man and the other two did things to me.") Assef agrees to relinquish him, but only for a price - cruelly beating Amir. However, Amir is saved when Sohrab uses his slingshot to shoot out Assef's left eye, fulfilling the threat his father had made many years before.
Amir tells Sohrab of his plans to take him back to United States of America and possibly adopt him, and promises that he will never be sent to an orphanage again. After almost having to break that promise (after decades of war, paperwork documenting Sohrab's orphan status, as demanded by the US authorities, is impossible to get) and Sohrab attempting suicide, Amir manages to take him back to United States of America and introduces him to his wife. However, Sohrab is emotionally damaged and refuses to speak or even glance at Soraya. This continues until his frozen emotions are thawed when Amir reminisces about his father, Hassan, while kite flying. Amir shows off some of Hassan’s tricks, and Sohrab begins to interact with Amir again. In the end Sohrab only shows a lopsided smile, but Amir takes to it with all his heart as he runs the kite for Sohrab, saying, "For you, a thousand times over."

3.2 Amir
Amir is the son of well-do person in Afghan. He has the maidens who always obey him. The things that he fell desire to ask for help, Hassan never deny his order. Considering Hassan has shown the total respect to Amir. He freely makes Hassan as he wants. It is indicated on page 3 Chapter 2:
“ I talked to Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbor’s one-eyed Germany shepherd. Hassan never wanted to, but if asked, really asked, he wouldn’t deny me”

The quotation above says that Amir is like a king of Hassan. No word was heard from Hassan’s mouth when Amir said to do. Amir only possesses Hassan as his friend. Wherever he goes, Hassan must be with him. As indicated page 6. Chapter.2:
“One day, we were walking from my father’s house to Cinema Zainab for a new Iranian movie…”

Amir seems to be more comfortable beside Hassan. And he fells away from scary as long as Hassan is with him. As common character of the 15 year-old boy, who is behaving more uncontrollable. They sometime don’t have idea what the things are dealing with. Still on page 6. Chapter 2:
“Baba had forbidden us to take that shortcut, but was in Pakistan with Rahim Khan at the time”.

The advice of his father is not effected him. He eagerly keeps on his childhood, ignoring anything that may block his way. Whereas, the group of foreign armies were being occupied his homeland. Sure, the dangerous will be naturally happen. No bullet firing on the air, but unpleasant greeting addressed to his friend Hassan. Page 6. Chapter. 2:
“I know your mother, did you know that? I knew her real good. I took her from behind by that creek over there.”

The mockery statement was addressed to Hassan. While Amir remained calm. If he listened to his father’s advice that mock would never be happened. On his desire the unpleasant condition fanning to his friend Hassan. Luckily, those soldiers don’t touch them, there are free to go to the movie. Again, as a young boy, Amir was also having the character of imitation another person. It is happened when he was too raw of his age. Page 7. Chap.2:
“I remember one day, when I was eight, Ali (Hassan’s father” was taking me to bazaar to buy some naan. I was walking behind him, humming, trying to imitate his walk.”

But the relationship between Amir and his father was not really fair. Amir’s life is being away from attention of his father where he was used to call Baba. As denoted page 4. Chapter two:
“Sometime I asked Baba if I could sit with them, but Baba would stand in the doorway...”Why don’t you go read one of those books of yours?”

There is no time to laugh with his father. No actual time should he spend like another child spoiling, laughing, joking with his father. Amir really fells that he is unexpected son in the middle of family. Amir’s character as young boy is more solicit to have been regarded as good son. He was trying to get his parent’s charm through conversation, but he found none. Page 13. Chapter.3:
“They were sitting on the dock, feet dangling in the water, fishing poles in hand. I asked Baba why they grew their hair long, but Baba grunted, didn’t answer.”

As a young boy Amir felt so ignored. But he has no heart-feeling upon his father. He again open the conversation, expecting this time he will find the answer. But again he finds none. Still page 13. Chapter. 3:
“I bit into my egg and asked Baba if it was true that a boy in school had told me, that if you ate a piece of eggshell, you’d have to pee it out. Baba grunted again.”

The infirm relationship between Amir and his father fall again for second time. But he is easily assuming that his father has no desire to pay attention to him. When he finds that he is acknowledged by the audience through his father. It shows on page 3. Chapter 3:
“He mentioned to me to hold is hat for him and I was glad to, because everyone would see that he was my father, my Baba.”

As a young boy who has a famous father among the people. He is surely proud of his father who is being good to the people. He has a chance to be recognized by the people that he is the son of the high level person in Afghan. Page 14. Chap. 3:
“He lectured us about the virtues of zakat and the duty of hadj; he taught us memorize the verses from the Koran-and though he never translated the word for us, he did stress, sometime with the help of a stripped willow branch, that we had to pronounce the Arabic word correctly so God would hear us better. He told us one day Islam considered drinking is a terrible sin; those who drank would answer for their sin on the day of Qiyamat, Judgment Day.”

Based on the quotation above Amir is fast-learner on study. He gladly accepted the lesson of knowing on Islam. As a Moslem, Amir realizes that we need to master sort of thing on Islam. Those lessons were delivered by his teacher when he was at school. But as a youngest boy who just accepted those lessons were distinctly stuck in his head. The problem of drink, that he was always confronted with. Still page 14. Chapter 3:
“We were upstairs in Baba’s study, the smoking room, when I told him what Mullah Faitullah Khan had taught us in class. Baba was pouring himself a whiskey from the bar he had built in the corner of the room.”

He was now confronted with real prove before his eyes. What he just obtained from school. He is aware of the habit of his father which is drinking forbidden water. But, as a child who is full of curiosity in order to relate what he has studied at school, to ensure that the drink is a sin. By seeing his father who has been drinking, he would try to clarify that in respect way. Page 15. Chapter.15:
“But if what he said is true than does it makes you a sinner, Baba?”
He dares himself to ask that question where he has to ask in order to remind his father that what his father did was a sin. Page 15. Chapter. 3:
“But Mullah Khan seem nice.”
Here, a quarrel between Amir and his father happened. He confessed that he is now dealing with his father, but he also adores his teacher who taught him the lesson of Islam. When his father insulted the Mullah as his teacher, a good student dared to defend. And sincerely believe that his Mullah was right. After having some conversation with his father, he finally surrender to the perception of his father who hatred the Mullah. As we can see in page 16. Chapter 3:
“No matter what Mullah teaches, there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. Do you understand that?”

“No.Baba Jan”

He unhappily obeys the perception of his father upon the Mullah. He is afraid of making disappointment to his father. After listening to his father on the sin which is ‘thief’, he again confronts with the confusion and frightening. Page 16. Chapter 3:
“I found the idea of Baba clobbering a thief both exhilarating and terribly frightening”.
In fact, what is father mentioned a ‘thief’ is directed to him, as he felt that he did such a sin, which make him felt wrong every day. He felt that he has stolen the life of his mother when she was giving birth. That’s why his father becomes infirm to him. As page17. Chapter 3:
“Because the truth of it was, I always felt like Baba hated me a little. And why not? After all, I had killed his beloved wife, his beautiful princess, hadn’t I?

Those questions cross to his mind, when his father mentioned the ‘thief’. And he found the answer why his father hate him, and infirm to him. Amir tries to forget things that make him uncomfortable living with his father. Page 17. Chapter 3:
“Everyone in my class wanted me on their team, because by the time I was eleven, I could recite dozens of verses from Khayyam, Hafez, or Rumi’s famous Masnawi. One time, I took on the whole class and won. I told Baba about it later that night, but he just nodded, muttered ‘Good’ “.

Again, Amir is the fast-learner on the things that he likes. He wants to make his father proud of him instead of hate him. Upon his successful of his competition where he could have the appreciation from his father and make his father love him like a real child. He shows afford of being a diligent person, care for his own goal. Although he rarely got the appreciation from his father or was ignored. He didn’t stub his mind on that problem. As indicated in page 17. Chapter.3:
“That and Hassan, of course. I read everything, Rumi, Hafez, Saadi, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Ian Fleming. When I had finished my mother’s books-not the boring history ones, I was never much into those, but the novels, the epics-I started spending my allowance on books.”

Everyone surely doesn’t master all sort of knowledge. It is also happened to Amir. He can not put all contains of book in his head. He is fond of reading fiction stories. His talent tends to the novel. At his age, he well-know the part of his talent and kind of books and willing to buy a book even he has no special money for buying a book. Page 18. Chapter 3:
“When it became abundantly clear that I hadn’t inherited a shred of his athletic talents, he settled for trying to turn me into a passionate spectator. Certainly I could manage that, couldn’t I? I faked interest for as long as possible.”

Again, Amir felt wrong on his talent. He tends to like the literature, he has not been fond of becoming an athletic as his father. And the talent is not easy to turn on. He got to be pretending that he likes sport so that he doesn’t offend his father during he and his father watching soccer match. He is an obedient boy. He did what his father asks him to do. Page 22. Chapter 4:
“But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that either. Spent most of the first twelve years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometime, my entire childhood seems like on long lazy summer day with Hassan, chasing each other between tangles of trees in my father’s yard, playing hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, insect torture-with our crowning achievement undeniably the time we plucked the stinger off a bee and tied a string around the poor thing to yank it back every time it took flight”.
Back to the friendship of Amir and Hassan. As a kid, Amir is enjoyable playing a kind of kid game. He is very pleased to spend the rest of his childhood with Hassan. Forgetting the status, what he wants is to have fun like other boys. At his age, Amir has been aware of appreciating the people. In his character described that Amir is not considered himself as the son of great man and not considered Hassan as his maid. He and Hassan can play, work together as result to have good combination among two persons in real friendship without looking at status. Let’s again see on page 24. Chapter 4:
“I read him poems and stories, sometimes riddles-though I stopped reading those when I saw he was far better at solving them than I was.”

Amir’s favorite is not only playing game and watching movie but he is fond of reading literary work. He spends a lot of time reading books as if there is no much time to play around like another boy. He knows that Hassan is illiterate so he wishes he could make Hassan understand a word through the reading. He and Hassan always work together to solve any problems so that Hassan as his friend would become someone who easily literates a word. Page 26. Chapter 4:
“That evening, I climbed the stairs and walked into Baba’s smoking room, in my hands the two sheets of paper on which I had scribbled the story.”

Amir intends to give his father the story that he produced in order to have the appreciation from his father. He again wants to make his father proud of him and expected he could get the word ‘good’. But what he expected turn into nothing. As indicated on page 27. Chapter 4:
“Probably stood there for under a minute, but, to this day, it was one of the longest minutes in my life. Second plodded by, each separated from the next by an eternity. Air grew heavy, damp, almost solid. I was breathing bricks. Baba went on staring me down, and didn’t offer to read.”

It is clear that Amir does not find any convenient when he is trying to offer his story. The reluctance to face his father arise soon he gets in the room and finds no words from his father. As a boy whose character still immature to face inconvenient circumstance with his own father, it would become trouble. Feeling like an ignored boy. Still page 27. Chapter 4:
“As always, it was Rahim Khan who rescued me. He held out of his hand and favored me with a smile that had nothing feigned about it.”

Fortunately, Amir’s spirit does not easily break down, at least he can find someone who is willing to read his story. Although Rahim Khan would read his story he still expects that his father could read it as well. Page 28. Chapter 4:
“ When they left, I sat on my bed and wished Rahim Khan had been my father.”

As youngest boy, Amir also needs the tenderness of his father. But it is rarely found by him. His thought is not so mature to face that situation. At the end of though if Rahim Khan were his father life would be change and he finds a lot of convenient without finding why his father ignored him most of the time. Page 28. Chapter 4:
“Buoyed by Rahim Khan’s note, I grabbed the story and hurried to the foyer where Ali and Hassan were sleeping on a mattress. That was the only time they slept in the house, when Baba was away and Ali had to watch over me. I shook Hassan awake and ask him if he wanted to hear a story.”

After he finds the appreciation’s note from Rahim. He is unable to keep in steady. He rushes to let his friend know that his story has just found an appreciation. He is incredibly glad soon he read the note as if his story is the best one. The euphoria state appears from his soul, whoever little boy found their work is appreciable they would be uncontrollably happy. So, it makes him forget that he is not supposed to interrupt the people who are taking a rest. But, he does so. He wants to make Hassan know that his story just got appreciation. Page 35. Chapter 5:
“His blue eyes flicked to Hassan. “Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. It always has been, always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose here. His people pollute our homeland, our watan. They dirty our blood…”Afghanistan for Pashtuns, I say. That’s my vision.”

Coming back to the friendship Amir and Hassan. As above quotation Amir and Hassan get a problem with their villain friend. Amir seems to be afraid of denying the statement of that boy. He indirectly hurts Hassan by the time he said ‘Afganistan for Pashtun’. It is brought us to two reasons, first Amir does on purpose, he thought his villain friend could let them go, second Amir forget that Hassan is not Pashtun but Hazara. Continue to page 36. Chapter 5:
”But he is not my friend! I almost blurted. He is my servant! Had I really though of that? Of course I hadn’t. I hadn’t. I treated Hassan well, just like a friend, better even, more like a brother. But if so, then why, when Baba’s friends came to visit with their kids, didn’t’ I ever include Hassan in our games? Why did I play with Hassan only when no one else was around?”

In accounting his anxious to that boy he almost considers that Hassan mean nothing to his life. Luckily, he rapidly realizes that what he does is going to hurt Hassan. He confesses that Hassan is nice person and worthy of being friend. Even so, Amir is now full of suspicious upon his friendship with Hassan, his mind full of question what made him so close to Hassan, those questions would be a start of finding who is Hassan. Page. 43. Chapter 6:
“But mostly because, as the trees froze and ice sheathed the roads, the chill between Baba and me thawed a little. And the reason for that was the kite.”

He has been hardly trying to chill relationship between him and his father. It happened when his kind of hobby is supported by his father. The kite is a famous game in Afghanistan. It has not attracted his father on the kite game, but at least after he did such a best play, his father softly pays attention to the game that he is about to win. And he believes he will get much more. Page 44. Chapter 6.
As with any war, you had to ready yourself for battle. For a while, Hassan and I used to build our own kite.

It is clearly denoted that he is not working alone on making kite, Hassan is a loyal friend helping him to get it done. Amir and Hassan are always being together. Their friendship is worthy to be proud and mutual helping show contrastively in their relationship. Page 44.Chapter 6:
“But it quickly became apparent that Hassan and I were better kite fighter than kite makers”.

Again, Amir is not a selfish person where he realizes that he can’t be a good kite fighter without Hassan. So, it indicates that Amir is lucky to have Hassan around. Page 44-45. Chapter 6:
“Baba would buy us each three identical kites and spools of glass string. If I changed my mind and asked for bigger and fancier kite, Baba would buy it for me- but then he’d buy it for Hassan too. Sometimes I wished he wouldn’t do that.”

The kite has attracted his father heart upon him. He acknowledges that his father will do everything for the kite. But inside of attracting his father, Amir also has a jealousy trait in which he rather dislikes if Hassan has the same goods with his good. As he knows his father also pays much attention to Hassan and he does not like it. Page 46. Chapter 6:
“Over the years, I had seen a lot of guys run kites. But Hassan was by far the greatest kite runner I’d ever seen”.
Amir is proud of Hassan, proud to the kite side. Amir confesses Hassan is the best one in running kites and it can make his friendship more solid through what Hassan does to Amir. Page 49. Chapter 6:
“ I was going to win. There was no other viable option. I was going to win, and I was going to run that last kite. Then I’d bring it home and show it to Baba. Show him once and for all that his son was worthy. Then may be my life as a ghost in this house would finally be over.”

Amir is optimist in reaching the thing that he loves. He convinces himself that he was going to win kite fighting competition. Soon he figured out that his father would be proud of him, if he wins the game and he will be easy to get the attention of his father. He believes that if he likes that game his father will love him like his own son. Page 57. Chapter 7.
“People were stomping their feet, clapping, whistling, chanting...I wondered if Baba’s voice was one of them.”

It is generally matter. All people need support in every competition from the others. As the age of Amir which is said as a really young boy also strongly need the support especially from his father. He is not certainly sure that his father fighting his spirit but he is not hopeless what he expects is to win the game and surely his father will be highly proud of him. Page 58. Chapter 7:
“Then I saw Baba on the roof. He was standing on the edge, pumping both of his fists. Hollering and clapping. And that right there was the single greatest moment of my twelve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud of me at last.”

At least the dream of Amir comes true. He has won the kite fighting. His dream to make his father being proud of him is successful. He is such an euphoria state in celebrating his winning. It is such a long time he is being under unfriendly circumstance but after winning the game he can find the attention of his father and hoping that his father will be always proud of him. Page 62. Chapter 7:
“I heard the voice again, louder this time, coming from one of the alleys. I crept close to the mouth of the alley. Held my breath. Peeked around the corner.”

Amir is looking for Hassan who does not come back from the running kite. After he finds Hassan is surrounded by his villain friend (Assef). He does not straightly go to them as Amir is coward, no dare to defend his friend Hassan whom he has been loyal to him. He sees all the things happen to Hassan but he just see it, no way to interfere. Continue to page 63. Chapter 7:
“ I realized I still hadn’t breathed out. I exhaled, slowly, quietly. I felt paralyzed. I watched them close in on the boy I’d grown up wit, the boy whose harelipped face had been my first memory.

It is distinctly described that Amir does not dare to defend Hassan who has been disturbing by his villain friend. He still watches what his villain friend doing to Hassan, he does not even make a move, he hides so that Hassan or his villain friends do not see him. Page 64. Chapter 7:
“I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t. I just watched. Paralyzed”.

Amir has no courage in defending Hassan. He is supposed to say or to defend Hassan from his villain friends. But, he is not daring to that. Amir just watches in silent, he is terrified to come by on the scene. On the scene where Hassan was tortured by Assef (villain friend), Amir still watches without taking any action. Continue page 66.Chapter 7:
“Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan’s lips and lifted his bare buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan’s back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand. He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn’t struggle. Didn’t even whimper. He moved his head slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it. It was a look I had seen before. It was the look of the lamb.”

According to the quotation above, it clearly indicates that Amir is not able to close to the scene. Beside, Hassan was being unwell-treated by Assef. He just looks and fell sorry about what happen to Hassan. If Amir considers Hassan as his friend he is supposed to protect Hassan, like Hassan did to him when he faced a problem. The character of Amir spontaneously changes without having any consideration on his friendship. He sees Hassan was suffering, he sees it. But he does nothing unless looking at the disgraceful action. Page 67. Chapter 6:
“I stopped watching, turned away from the alley. Something warm was running down my wrist. I blinked, saw I was still biting down on my fist, hard enough to draw blood from the knuckles. I realized something else. I was weeping. From just around the corner, I could hear Assef’s quick, rhythmic grunts”.

In fact Amir was not able to see Assef treated Hassan. The tragedy makes his eyes glassy. He felt shock until he had to turn his head to other direction in order to avoid in witnessing what is happening to Hassan. Finally, his heart is melted and knowing that he is guilty as he does not defend Hassan. Continue to page 68. Chapter 6:
“I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan-the way he’d stood up for me all those times in the past-and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran.”

Amir puzzles himself. The coward and loyalty take a place in his soul. He realizes that Hassan always defends him but he is not able to do the same thing. That’s how Amir to pay the deed of Hassan. In spite of his friendship with Hassan is so solidly, Amir still regards Hassan as his servant instead of a true friend. As indicated on page 68. Chapter 6:
“Nothing was free in this world. May be Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. Was it a fair price? The answer floated to my conscious mind before I could thwart it; He was just a Hazara, wasn’t he?.”

Since his friendship with Hassan was built, he never regards Hassan as his slave, but after the sad event happened. Amir’s assumption about Hassan drastically changes. He even puzzles on the status of Hassan. He got something to sacrifice to pay the price of his dignity as the son of a well-to-do person. He has a doubt on his friendship since Assef threaten him that he got no an equal him and Hassan, whereas he has know a long time that Hassan was Hazara. Here, it is indicated that Amir has no principle upon the life that he is walking on. Page 69.Chapter 6:
“I was grateful for the early-evening shadows that fell on Hassan’s face and concealed mine. I was glad I didn’t have to return his gaze. Did he know I know? And if he knew, then what would I see if I did look in his eyes? Blame? Indignation? Or, God forbid, what I feared most: guileless devotion? That, most of all, I couldn’t bear to see.”

On the quotation above also indicates that Amir still remains silent on what happened to Hassan, He even pretend that he didn’t witness the things on the scene. Surely, he becomes uncomfortable if Hassan knew that Amir witnessed the violence on him. Beside that Amir also feel guilty, feel unfair upon Hassan. Page 69. Chapter 6:
“He opened his arms. I put the kite down and walked into his thick hairy arms. I buried my face in the warmth of his chest and wept. Baba held me close to him, rocking me back and forth. In his arms, I forgot what I’d done. And that was good.”

As a young boy, he finds no one who can reduce his sorrow unless his father. Sorrow which caused by his own cowardice, he then fells that he has betrayed the friendship. A betrayal which breaks his heart, feel guilty all day long. He never tells his father about what he has seen. Every youngest boy does the same thing in order to be good to shelter under their father, or mother touch. Amir continues to live on. As his relation with his father is now becoming normal. Amir is not a young boy who is willing to remain silent if something bothering him, it is indicated on page 72. Chapter 7:
“Everyone in the van was talking, talking loudly and at the same time, nearly shrieking, which is how Afghans talk. I asked one of the twins-Fazila or Karima, I could never tell which was which-if she’d trade her window set with me so I could get fresh air on account of my car sickness.”

It is normal for the young-age boys who travel away, felling uncomfortable during the trip. But the things not all boys dare to order the one to reduce their carsick. But Amir feels no harm if he does so even the one is unfamiliar with him. So, his impatient character rises soon he feels something make him under unhappy state. Page 74. Chapter 7:
“Baba and I were finally friends. We’d gone to the zoo a few days before, seen Marjan the lion, and I had hurled a pebble at the bear when no one was watching.”

Amir has very delight day since he and his father become closer. He does not fell the ignorance from his father and his life is more enjoyable. The winning of the game has brought him to the warm embrace of his father, that’s all he hopes. He has now regarded that he has a great father in his side. Every single day would be bright as his father care about him. Each of young boy will fell the same way. Although he has been good with his father, he still fells guilty upon Hassan, wanting to tell to anyone as indicated on page 75.Chapter 7:
“An hour later, I still couldn’t sleep. I kept tossing and turning as my relatives grunted, sighed, and snored in their sleep. I sat up. A wedge of moonlight streamed in through the window…..” I watched Hassan get raped, I said to no one.”

The above quotation indicates that Amir can’t be able to bear the burden. He wants every body wake up and listens to his words. The words can relieve his painful, he does not want to lie any more, laying that make him fell uncomfortable. Page 75. Chapter 7:
“I DIDN’T SPEAK TO HASSAN until the middle of the next week. I had just half-eaten my lunch and Hassan was doing the dishes. I was walking upstairs, going to my room, when Hassan asked if I wanted to hike up the hill. I said I was tired.”

In fact, Amir still fell guilty to Hassan. But Hassan really does not know that Amir saw the rape. Amir himself remains under bad felling upon Hassan. It is not the mistake of Hassan, but his mistakes that make him hate Hassan. The guilty delivers him to the loose relation between him and Hassan. Page 90-91. Chapter 9:
“I went downstairs, crossed the yard, and entered Ali and Hassan’s living quarters by the loquat tree. I lifted Hassan’s mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it. I waited another thirty minutes. Then I knocked on Baba’s door and told what I hoped would be the last in a long line of shameful lies.”

Day by day Amir’s character tends to be bad, he hopes Hassan and his father is evicted from his house. It is because of Hassan attracts Amir’s father attention. How could Amir willing to trap Hassan. He even does not Hassan become his friend. Amir wants Hassan to leave his house through the trick that he played he thought by doing that way, Hassan and his father become uncomfortable staying in his house and hoping they would be evicted by Amir’s father. Page 92.Chapter 9:
“I love him in that moment, loved him more than I’d over loved anyone, and I wanted to tell them all that I was the snake in the grass, the monster in the lake.”

The hope of Amir is already reached. He baits Hassan for his own purpose, for bad reason Amir uses Hassan to save him about the stealing. He pays the sacrifice of Hassan with disgrace way, he traps Hassan in deepest pain.. Page 92. Chapter 9:
“Strangely, I was glad that someone knew me for who I really was; I was tired of pretending”

So, it is clearly said that Amir has finally found himself in wrong way, and the pain that he suffer is flown away soon he found out that Hassan and Ali knew his bad manner upon Hassan. Page 99. Chapter 10:
“I overheard him telling Baba how he and his brother knew the Russian and Afghan soldiers who worked the checkpoints, how they had set up a “mutually profitable” arrangement.”

Afghanistan was in the middle of war. It’s time for Amir and his father to leave his country, looking for the best place to stay. Amir has been usually facing the army, no scary showing on his face as he has been used to meeting with army. Hassan has gone from Amir’s life. Amir is aware of the terrible mistake that he did. The imagination of his friendship always sticks his mind. Page 99. Chapter 9:
“I wondered where Hassan was. Then the inevitable. I vomited on a tangle of weeds, my retching and groaning drowned in the deafening roar of the MiG.”.

On the way to the save-place. Amir remembers and worries about Hassan. Seem the thing that he has done could bring him to deep suffer. He wished Hassan was being well and forgives him. Page 106. Chapter 9:
“Air wasn’t supposed to be solid. I wanted to reach out with my hands, crush the air into little pieces, stuff them down my windpipe. And the stench of gasoline”..

Amir is growing, he give no burden on the thing that he can do by himself, he may not regard himself as well-to-do person son, as he and his father will remain in strange country. Page 112. Chapter 11:
“ I wanted to tell them that, in Kabul, we snapped a tree branch and used it as a credit card”.

Amir and his father is adjusting with new environment which is different with his country. He intends to let the California people know that his country never used the easy-card to make a transaction. Page 115. Chapter 11:
“He took me to an Afghan kabob house in Hayward that night and ordered far too much food. I had debated him briefly about that just before graduation, and told him I wanted to get a job”

The above quotation says that Amir just graduated from college. He strongly pays attention to his father work which result insufficient money every month he wanted to help his father to result much more money so that he and his father can live like the other in California. Page 115. Chapter 11:
“He had three before I forced myself to drink a quarter of mine. By the then he had bought the old man a scotch and treated a foursome of pool player to a pitcher of Budweiser.”

Amir has just graduated from the college, his father celebrates his successful for he just obtained the higher degree. He has been so close with his father since he moved to California. In fact, his faith is not so strong upon the sin that he made in the bar, he and his father altogether drinks the forbidden drink. That’s how he and his father celebrated his graduation. Page 118. Chapter 11:
“ Sitting in the dark next to Hassan, I had always wondered if it was true what I’d read, that sea air smelled like salt.”

Amir has now been an adult who thinks maturity on the situation that he faced. It is true the true friend is never forgotten. Amir regretted what he has done to Hassan, and the unforgettable moment with Hassan, every single he sees he remember the time he spent with Hassan. His day always moves on, as an adult he needs someone who fill his heart with love as page 124. Chapter 11:
“LYING AWAKE IN BED that night, I thought of Soraya Taheri’s sickle-shaped birthmark, her gently hooked nose, and the way her luminous eyes had fleetingly held mine. My heart stuttered at the thought of her. Soraya Taheri. My Swap Meet Princess.”

He is the first time meeting with Afghan lady whom he adore very much. As if Soraya would be his soul mate for the rest of his life. He eagerly picture the Soraya as beautiful woman in this world. Page 125. Chapter 12:
“And when Sunday mornings came, I rose from my bed, Soraya Taheris’ brown-eyed face already in my head.”

It is clearly denoted that the imagination of Soraya always cross to his mind. He is unable to forget the beauty of Soraya. He almost all the time remember Soraya, in fact he just met for a couple time. Page 126. Chapter 12:
“I promised myself that I would talk to her before the summer was over, but schools reopened, the leaves reddened, yellowed, and fell, the rains of winter swept in and wakened Baba’s joints, baby leaves sprouted once more, and I still hadn’t had the heart, the dil, to even look her in the eyes.”

Through the quotation above indicates that Amir’s felling has been risen up. He eagerly wants to let Soraya know about his feeling to her. But, the deep love makes him coward to express his feeling. It is generally happening to those who have a feeling to someone. He just come to see and stare at Soraya without daring close to her. As page 127. Chapter 12 says:
“ I meant I simply walk by again and I thought I had, except suddenly I was standing at the edge of the Taheri’s white tablecloth, staring at Soraya across curling irons and old neckties. She looked up.”

Amir has bee no courage to close and greet Soraya by the time he wishes to. He again traps in the beauty of Soraya. He stares at Soraya while Soraya does not stare at him. But finally, after he thought very deeply he greets Soraya by pretending to ask her father. As indicated on page 127. Chapter 12:
“Salam,” I said. “ I am sorry to be mozahem, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”…
“Is general Sahib here today?” I said. My eyes were burning, I couldn’t bring myself to look her in the eye”.

He does not mean to ask General Sahib, but for his own reason he wants to have some word with Soraya due to heal his longing to her. When he asks the Soraya father he assumes that Soraya knows the proposal will come. Page 128. Chapter 12:
“By Afghan standards, my question had been told. With it, I had bared myself, and left little doubt as to my interest in her. But I was a man, and all I had risked was bruised ego. Bruises healed. Reputation did not. Would she take my dare?”

It is clearly told that Amir almost gives up in finding Soraya as he does not deserve to have Soraya. But as a man, he has a right to select and to find his dream of a woman even it is not suitable with you. He claimed it is just the game of ego, everyone will find someone unless there is no much ego depends on. Page 131. Chapter 12:
“One day, Soraya and I were alone at their booth, talking. She was telling me about school, how she too was working on her general education classes., at Ohlone Junior College in Fremont.”

Now, he finds a chance to close to Soraya. He shares the story about education which makes him so close to Soraya. The chance with Soraya can bring him to the serious stage of love. Page 135. Chapter 12:
“I wanted to ask him how I was supposed to live with that word, “suspicious” for two weeks. How was I supposed eat, work, study? How could he send me home with that word?”

Amir does not feel better after he find out the trouble in his father body, as a son he is worthy of feeling worry about the condition of his father. Care of his father is abundant since he and his father live in foreign country. He takes care of his father healthy. He is the one who always pay attention to his father during his father getting old. Page 138. Chapter 12:
“I remember that period as a time of many “firsts”: The first time I heard Baba moan in the bathroom. The first time I found blood on his pillow. In over three years running the gas station, Baba had never called in sick. Another first.”

Amir has been aware of his father condition, through the day that he spend wit his father, he sees too much problem of his father. He is as a son, be a good son got to do something to reduce the pain of his father. He is watching out of his father then after he found out the symptom of disease. Page 141. Chapter 12:
“I wanted to laugh for some reason. Or scream. I brought the ball of my hand to my mouth and bit on it.”

The quotation above shows that Amir is more vulnerable of loving his father. Beside, Amir’s father is laying weary in the bad. Amir is between pain and happy, happy where he can see the smile of his father. Pain if he remember the disease that is suffered by his father. Page 142. Chapter 12:
“I helped Baba out of the Ford and slipped back behind the wheel.”
It is where Amir wants to marry Soraya. His father agreed to purpose Soraya to be his wife. A loveliness of the father to his son is not ended even being under death. Amir was happy soon he found out Soraya would be purposed. Page 144. Chapter 12:
“I envied her. Her secret was out. Spoken. Dealt with. I opened my mouth and almost told her how I’d betrayed Hassan, lied, driven him out, and destroyed a forty-year relationship between Baba and Ali. But I did not. I suspected there were many ways in which Soraya Taheri was a better person than me. Courage was just one of them.”

Every one has a bad past memory. Amir also has the bad past, the unforgettable mistake bring him to uncover the past event between him and Hassan. After he heard the past story of Soraya, he is nearly covering his terrible attitude toward Hassan. He than realizes, the past story of Soraya is better than his. Page 145. Chapter 12:
“I wore a navy blue suit I had bought the previous day, after I had brought Baba home from khastegari. I checked my tie in the rearview mirror.”

Amir is preparing to go to Soraya’s house due to purpose her legally. He is very confident with his own performance. He has done everything to make Soraya love, and like him and willing to accept his purpose. Page 148. Chapter 13:
“ We all agreed that Soraya and I would forgo the Shirini-khori. Everyone knew the reason, so no one had to actually say it: that Baba didn’t have months to live.”

It happened after Amir purposing Soraya, he now has a friend to lean on and his father seem to be proud of their marriage. Once Amir is about to have a weeding party his father fall serious ill. Predictably, Amir knows better the time with his father will soon end as the disease torturing his father. Page 148. Chapter 13:
“Soraya and I looked down, solemnly respectful, casting only sideway glances at each other.”

The weeding day has come, Amir and Soraya are about to be a couple. It generally happens to the people who married. Amir also fell shy when he stares at Soraya what all he has to do is nodding as the respect way to the people around. Page 149. Chapter 13:
“ I remember sitting on the sofa, set on the stage like a throne, Soraya’s hand in mine, as three hundred or so faces looked on.”

Amir really feels happy on the weeding day, simplified his life like the king who just enthroned. He feels that everyone is happy on his marriage and confidentially he is proud of being a man. Page 149. Chapter 13:
“ I see Baba between us on the sofa, smiling.”
Again this event is also a chance to make his father happy, marriage with the one who has been expected by his father. Page 152. Chapter 13:
“ Listening to them, I realized how much of who I was, what I was, had been defined by Baba and the marks he had left on people’s lives. My whole life, I had been “Baba’s son.” Now he was gone. Baba couldn’t show me the anymore; I’d have to find it on my own.”

That is sorrowful moment when he faces the tragedy of his father death. Too much odd has been passed through with his father. But he got to face the truth, the one who loves him most has been gone and never come back. He seems to be unwilling to let his father go as he feels there is no one who can lead him when he is in troubles. Page 155. Chapter 13:
“ When I married Soraya, the flowers and Johnny Carson took a back seat. I was the new delight in Khala Jamila’s life. Unlike the general’s guarded and diplomatic manners-he didn’t correct me when I continued to call him “General Sahib”- Khala Jamila made no secret of how much she adored me.”

Amir is welcome by Soraya’s family but Amir as the newer in the new family feel awkward in addressing conversation if his father-in-law is a great person in town. He gets used to associate himself with the great family as family. Beside, he still call his father-in-law as usual. But his mother-in-law is the one who understands and like Amir as her son-in-law. Page 159. Chapter 13:
“IN THE SUMMER of 1988, about six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, I finished my first novel, a father-son story set in Kabul, written mostly with the typewriter the general had given me.”

The talents of Amir more activated, his young boy talent is now getting the appreciation from his own father-in-law. He finally obtained the attention from his father-in-law. Page 160. Chapter 13:
“The novel was released in the summer of 1989, and the publisher sent me on a five-city book tour. I became a minor celebrity in Afghan community.”

Where is the will there is the way, that the wise word deserved to be addressed to Amir whose lovely talent has now resulted the huge appreciation. And he is also more acknowledgeable by the people around him. Page 160. Chapter 13:
“THE IDEA OF FATHERHOOD unleashed a swirl of emotions in me. I found it frightening, invigorating, daunting, and exhilarating all at the same time. What sort of father would I make, I wondered. I wanted to be just like Baba and I wanted to be nothing like him.”

As a marriage couple. Amir has the fatherhood feeling but he also felt like a son who sometime accepted the unwell-treated from his father. He confuses what kind of father shall he be. Page 169. Chapter 14:
“A WEEK LATER, I sat on a window seat aboard a Pakistani International Airline flight, watching a pair of uniformed airline workers remove the wheel chocks

Although Amir was far from the place where he belong which has been abandoned for quite long time. He urges himself to be home again finding the son of whom he betrayed. The memory of the childhood between him and Hassan is still fresh in his mind, as indicated on page 174. Chapter 14:
“I remembered the day Hassan and I crossed it and the soldiers had teased Hassan about his mother. Hassan had cried in the cinema later, and I’d put an arm around him.”

It is not easy to lose a true friend. A true friend always sticks in his mind. It is just because of his betrayal that makes him flying to Afghanistan in order to ease his burden upon the betrayal that he had done to Hassan. Page 197. Chapter 18:
“And a thief of the worst kind, because the things he’d stolen had been sacred: from me the right to know I had a brother, from Hassan his identity, and from Ali his honor.”

Apparently, Amir has found out the truth of who Hassan was. Amir didn’t know that Hassan had the same blood with him through different mother. Luckily, Amir has grown up so he can accept the truth. Page 198. Chapter 18:
“ I cant go to Kabul, I had said to Rahim Khan. I have a wife in United States of America (USA), a home, a career, and a family. But how could I pack up and go back home when my actions may have cost Hassan a chance at those very same things?”

Amir still has a cowardliness in facing the problem ahead. He is almost unwilling to find his nephew (Hassan’s son). He refuses to do that. But in dint of the force of Rahim Khan and considering the betrayal that he had done he got to find the son of Hassan. Page 199. Chapter 18:
“I looked at the round face in the Polaroid again, the way the sun fell on it. My brother’s face. Hassan had loved me once, loved me in a way that no one ever had or ever would again. He was gone now, but a little part of him lived on. It was in Kabul.”

The emotional feeling is rising up. He acknowledges that Hassan is his brother. But unfortunately Hassan was gone. A regretful feeling is combining with his spirit in finding the son of Hassan. It is not about friend again but the blood connection between him and Hassan again urges him to find out his nephew. Beside his confident in finding the son of Hassan, he still imagines the glamorous life in United States of America (USA) and can cause him to cancel the trip. Page 202. Chapter 19:
“ But I knew I had to leave as soon as possible. I was afraid I’d change my mind. I was afraid I’d deliberate, ruminate, agonize, rationalize, and talk myself into not going.”

The heart and mind of people easily change, Amir’s does too. He took no much time to spoil himself in the house of Rahim Khan. He go to go soon or otherwise he will think appositely. It is a challenge and dangerous trip but as his emotional connection with Hassan, he decides to leave soon. Page 206-207:
“Just then, Maryam and the other woman came into the room with a pair of cups and teapot on a small platter. I stood up in respect, pressed my hand to my chest, and bowed my head. “Salaam alaykum.”

It happened to Amir on the way he was looking for the son of Hassan. He dropped by at his driver’s house. The case is, although he had been to western country for many years, he had not forgotten the way to respect his own people, the essential Moslem greeting. He did not regard himself as the high level person among the poor people around him. Page 209. Chapter 19:
“After dinner, after I’d washed my hands with the water Maryam poured from a clay pot, I asked for Wahid’s permission to give his boys a hadia, a gift. He said no, but I insisted, he reluctantly agreed.”
Amir really concerns on the fate of his people where his people live under the poverty since the Taliban took over the country. He sincerely give the gift to the boy of the person who has welcome him. Page 211. Chapter 19:
“I tiptoed away. I understood now why the boys hadn’t shown any interest in the watch. They hadn’t staring at the watch at all. They’d been staring at my food.”

Still, Amir cant bear his feeling upon the fate of his country. No luxury thing is needed by the boys in Afghanistan but the thing that they can eat. Page 223. Chapter 20:
“ I looked at the hallway, saw a group of kids dancing in a circle. A little girl, her left leg amputated below the knee, sat on a ratty mattress and watched, smiling and clapping along with the other children…….. I realized something: I would not leave Afghanistan without finding Sohrab”.

Amir has arrived in the orphanage. He was looking for his half nephew but he couldn’t find it. He has been strongly loving the son of Hassan until he is willing to take the serious risk. He flies from California just to pay back the deed of Hassan. As adult Amir, pay strongly attention to the unlucky children in his country Afghanistan. By seeing the destiny of others children, he intends to seek Sohrab (the son of Hassan). Amir does not want Sohrab will have the same with other children that he sees along the road of Aghanistan.

3.3 Hassan
Hassan is the one who is being a loyal person for Amir and being good in running kite. It is said in page 1. Chapter 1:
“And suddenly Hassan’s voice whispered in my head: for you a thousand time over. Hassan the harelipped runner.”

The Hassan devotes himself to serve Amir as his master and his friend. He even has no time to play alone. Hassan gladly accompanies Amir in every part of childhood. Page 3. Chapter 2:
“…Hassan and I used to climb the poplar trees in the driveway of my father’s house and annoy our neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their homes with a shard of mirror

Hassan has no way to refuse the requesting of Amir. Hassan is willing to do what Amir says even his action can disturb the other people. Hassan lives with his father, his mother went away from his life as page 6. Chapter 2:
“…Hassan lost his less than a week after he was born. Lost her to fate most Afghans considered far worse than death: She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers.”

The quotation above says that Hassan’s mother is obscurely known, many people assume that his mother left him after giving birth. But Hassan does not really feel that he lost his mother. He accepts the destiny from God. Page 7. Chapter 2:
“Later in the dark, after the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, croaking. Tears were sliding down his cheeks.”

Naturally, the young-age boy like Hassan has a touchable heart when the soldiers insults his mother whom he never sees the face of his mother. Page 8. Chapter 2:
“For years, that I was all I knew about the Hazaras, that they were Mogul descendants, and that they looked a little like Chinesse people.”

As generally Afghan people whose face like the oriental people. But Hassan does not look like the other Afghans. He is different looks with the Afghan. He has been specially characterized as the descending of Mogul. That’s why he faces many insults from the Afghan kids. It is not only the look but also his religious section that brings him to the minority in Afghanistan. Page 23. Chapter 4:
“…Hassan had already washed up, praying morning namaz with Ali, and prepared my breakfast…”

The quotation above indicates that, although Hassan is part of minority and some regards his faith is underestimated by the majority. Hassan does what he believes, he even performs the sunnah pray with full of faith. He becomes a pious person who always believe in God. Page 24. Chapter 4:
“….Hassan absently plucked blades of grass from the ground as I read him stories he couldn’t read for himself.”

Hassan is not only illiterate but also he can not be able to read as he was never at school. However, Hassan has a desire to learn how to read from Amir. He seriously listens to the story that is read by Amir. He loves the story and he wishes that he could read at some day. Continue to page 24. Chapter 4:
“ I read him poems and stories, sometimes riddles-though I stopped reading those when I saw he was far better at solving them than I was.”

It indicates that Hassan is fond of literary work like Amir. In spite of his illiteracy he was able to find the point of new of the stories. Whole stories that he heard he knows the meaning of all them. So, it means illiteracy is not a challenge to find the meaning of the story that he heard. Page 25. Chapter 4:
“Hassan’s favorite book by far was the Shahnamah, the tenth-century epic of ancient Persian heroes. He liked all of the chapters, the shahs of old, Feridoun, Zal, and Rudabeh.”

We can adopt the essential character in the quotation above that even Hassan can not read the story, he at least know the favorite book. He loves the stories through the listening and sticking it into his mind. Since he knows that the stories can make his life cheerful. Page 34. Chapter 5:
“He tipped his chin to Hassan. “Hey, Flat-Nose,” he said. “How is Babalu?”…Hassan said nothing and crept another step behind me.

Hassan is not a temperamental person who quickly responds the situation. He rather chooses to step back than giving some responses. That’s not a cowardliness character but the character that contains the maturity of though upon the situation that he faces. Continue to page 37. Chapter 5:
“Please leave us alone, Agha,” Hassan said in a flat tone. He’d referred to Assef as “Agha”,...”

After having badly mockeries from his friend Assef. Hassan still acts politely, not meant to fight back. He sounds very good in order to get away from his villain friend. He even does not have any desire to pay back. All he wants is peace between him, Amir and Assef. It is very good solution to end the conflict, his character can describe that he was well-educated by Ali as his adoption father. Through he worship that he had been doing, it make him ready to face the obstacle maturity. Page 60. Chapter 7:
“Hassan never missed any of the five daily prayer”
It is good to know about Hassan as a youngest boy who dedicates himself for the One and Only. Despite his section different with other, he never misunderstands about the perspective of life. He already knew that God creates him for the purpose. Page 62. Chapter 7:
“Hassan was standing at the blind end of the alley in a defiant stance: fists curled, leg slightly apart.”

Patient has a time to end. This time Hassan show his anger to villain friend whom he met a couple days ago. Hassan is now ready to fight back even he knows that he will lose. Hassan can be said as brave man, he defends his right as the person who deserve s to live like other. Page 63.Chapter 7:
“Even from where I was standing, I could see the fear creeping into Hassan’s eyes, but he shook his head “Amir agha won the tournament and I ran this kite for him. I ran it fairly. This is his kite.”

The above quotation indicates that Hassan loves peace and he does not want to have any quarrel with the other, all he does is to serve the Amir as best as he can. That line of word appears when he faced the villain friend Assef. It is not that all appear from his character, through his character, Hassan also appears the honesty aspect inside of his heart. Page 70. Chapter 8:
“My clothes for the day were ironed and folded, left on the cane-seat chair in the foyer where Hassan usually did his morning.”

After the disgrace thing happened to Hassan and Amir saw it but he took no action, Hassan does not turn his loyalty into hate, he still serves Amir as usual, as if he no needs the help of Amir. Hassan was the one who always describe the gold heart even it was hurt. Page 70. Chapter 8:
“After that kite tournament, he came home a little bloodied and his shirt was torn. I asked him what had happened and he said it was nothing…”

Again, Hassan wont to make Amir worries about him even Amir knew what was just happened to Hassan, but Hassan pretend that there is nothing wrong with him, he was just fine. The above quotation also indicates that Hassan does not anyone else caring about his problem, let the things done what is done. Sacrificing himself for his master which is unworthy of what he scarified for. It is commonly happening in this world where good deed is paid by the evil. It is what happened to Hassan. Page 78. Chapter 8:
“...”You bring me shame, and Hassan...Hassan’s not going anywhere, do you understand.”

Hassan is trapped by his friend and also his master. Hassan frankly does not steal the watch, but it was the strategy that is set by Amir so the Amir’s father hate Hassan so much. But the strategy can not be a proof that the Amir father believe what his son said. Hassan has been devoting his life to Amir and also his father. No slight guilty is found from Hassan. Page 81. Chapter 8:
“ I (Amir) don’t know how many times I hit him (Hassan). All I know is that, when I finally stopped, exhausted and panting. Hassan was smeared in red like he’d been shot by a firing squad. I fell to my knees, tired, spent, frustrated.

Hassan truly loves Amir as his friend and his master. After all happened to Hassan, Amir felt useless having Hassan around, but Hassan did not mean to pay back, in spite of getting hit. It is admirable thing that is shown by the Hassan, the true devotion that is probably unable to find from the other friend, but Hassan does have them all. Page 91. Chapter 8:
“ Baba came right out and asked.”Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir’s watch, Hassan?”

A terribly trap is set up by Amir to evict Hassan from his house. Hassan has known that Amir wants him to go away from Amir life, and to embody Amir devil intention, he fight with his heart to confess even he did not steal the watch of Amir. Continue to page 91. Chapter 8:
“Hassan’s reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice:”Yes”
It is again indicated that Hassan does not argue upon the accusation. He choices to confess that he stole the watch of Amir. He choices to go away from their life as he knew that Hassan is not welcome any longer by Amir.

3.4 Baba
Baba is nickname of Amir’s father. Baba was left by his wife since his son Amir was born. Baba is one of the famous person in Kabul, and he is rich too. Page 4. Chapter 1:
“Everyone agreed that my father, my baba, had built the most beautiful house in Wazir Akbar Khan district, a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul.”

The quotation above says that Baba is an influenced person in Kabul. It is natural that we see the rich person from his house. It appears clearly when Amir narrates about the wealthy of Baba. Still page 4. Chapter 1:
“..., Baba’s room, and his study, also known as “the smoking room,” which perpetually smelled of tobacco and cinnamon.”

The quotation above also indicates that Baba is a smoker whose room is used to smoke. It is generally view for rich people in Afghan who facilitate a room for studying and smoking. Page 11. Chapter 3:
“My father was a force of nature, a towering Pashtun specimen with a thick beard, a wayward crop of curly brown hair as unruly as the man himself, hands that looked capable of uprooting a willow tree, and black glare that “drop the devil to his knees begging for mercy.”

The quotation above is said my father which refer to Baba. As general the physic of Afghan is mostly tall and on the face grows beard as common people in Afghanistan. Through his physical, Baba is described as the man who was always being an optimist and seriousness in doing anything good and daring to face any odds which might come ahead. Page 12 Chapter 3:
“...Baba decided to build an orphanage. I heard the story through Rahim Khan. He told me Baba had drawn the blueprint himself despite the fact that he’d had no architectural experience at all. Skeptics had urged him to stop his foolishness and hire an architect. Of course, Baba refused, and everyone shook their head in dismay at his obstinate ways.”

The above quotation also denotes that Baba is not a type of person who easily hands out the thing that he might be able to do by himself. In spite of his work is not agreed by other people, he still believe in himself that he can accomplish nicely. Baba has a very strong principal of life, there is almost nothing that makes him hand up. It is proof in the next line of story on page 12. Chapter 3:
“Then Baba succeeded and everyone shook their head in awe at his triumphant way…”

The patience and seriousness of concentrated work will produce the expected result. It is shown by Baba, in which he keep struggling he after made it. Baba is also a kind of generous person who cares about the lower people and the orphan in Kabul. Page 12. Chapter 3:
“Baba paid for the construction of the two-story orphanage, just off the main strip of Jadeh Maywand south of the Kabul River, with his own money.”

It is clearly indicated that Baba is not considering the low-life people should be underestimated, but Baba really concerns on the fate that was ongoing in his country. He as the rich person takes a part in relieving the miserable life in Kabul, especially the orphan. Baba earns much money from doing the business in Kabul as indicated on page 13. Chapter 3:
“But despite Baba’s successes, people were always doubting him. They told Baba that running a business wasn’t in his blood and he should study law like his father. So Baba proved them all wrong by not only running his own business but becoming one of the richest merchants in Kabul.”

It is indicated that Baba is a hard worker, who turn himself into business. The wealthy that he got was not from his father but he did his significant afford to be a person who is admired by the people around. Baba is categorized as the successful person in performing the business, but he is not really successful in convincing himself about Islam. Page 14. Chapter 3:
“Baba was pouring himself a whiskey from the bar he had built in the corner of the room.”

In Islam those who drink the alcohol drink is forbidden. Baba as a moslem should obey the rule of Islam. Here, Baba has broken one of the rules of Islam as if he did not believe what was already underlined in Islam. It brings about an assumption that his prestigious life encouraging him to do such a forbidden thing. Page 15. Chapter 3:
“They do nothing but thumb their prayer beads and recite a book written in a tongue they don’t even understand….”

It is about the argument about Baba and his son Amir. They refer to the Mullah whom he has not been respectful to them. Mullahs are the people who give the lecture or lesson to the people about Islam. Baba is supposed to respect them instead of insulting them. It is also indicating that Baba choice to stand on what he convinces. Ignoring the warning that is directed by his own son. Page 16. Chapter 3:
“When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife’s right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. Do you see?”

These are the wise word s that he points to his son Amir. He tries to explain that what he has done was not a sin. It could be suffering the depression upon the death of his wife. He could not will to let his wife passed away. It accused that his son caused the death of his wife so it makes the relationship between him and his son is not so good. It also stresses on page 20. Chapter 3:
“…Look, I know there’s a fondness between you and him and I am happy about that. Envious, but happy. I mean that. He needs someone who…understands him, because God knows I don’t. But something about Amir troubles me in way that I can’t express.”

The above statement says that Baba knows that him (Rahim Khan) is closer to Amir than Baba. Somehow, Baba want to love Amir as his son like other fathers love their children, but it seems to be something inside of Baba which make him heavily love his son Amir. Baba was used to ignoring the request of Amir but he deeply concern on Hassan. It says on page 39. Chapter 4:
“Baba never missed Hassan’s birthday. For a while, he used to ask Hassan what he wanted, but he gave up doing that because Hassan was always too modest to actually suggest a present. So every winter Baba picked something out himself. He bought him Japanese to truck one year, an electric locomotive and train track set another year.”

The quotation above also indicates that Baba love Hassan much more than Amir as his own son. Almost every year Baba bought the expensive gift for Hassan. It means two things. First, Baba loves Hassan as he has a wonderful character and second Baba loves his diligence in doing the home work and perhaps Baba has considered Hassan as his son as well. So, it can be concluded that Hassan is Baba lovely son instead of Amir. Page 78. Chapter 8:
“Is this about you and Hassan? I know there’s something going on between you two, but whatever it is, you have to deal with it, not me, I am staying out of it.”

Baba as father can easily identify the expression of his own son. Baba knows that Amir involves a serious with Hassan which actually Baba does not want it happen. Here, Baba has the way to educate his son how to solve the problem and how to manage the things that is going on around. Baba wants Amir to stand on his feet and Baba wants to see how Amir solves the problem. Page 88. Chapter 8:
“Baba gave me two presents. One was sure to become the envy every kid in the neighborhood; a brand new Schwinn Stingray, the king of all bicycles.”

In the author assumption said that Baba is not sincerely giving the present to Amir. He does so, it just to show to his son’s friend that Baba concerns him to much which actually he does not. At that time Afghanistan was invaded by Russian, there was no good security in Afghanistan. The chaos made Baba leaving for California along with his son Amir as page 99. Chapter 10:
“Then, behind me, I heard Baba and Karim discussing the arrangement in Jalalabad over a smoke. Karim was reassuring Baba that his brother had a big truck of “excellent and first-class quality”, and that the trek to Peshawar would be very routine.”

Baba wants to seek the secure place. He asks Karim to provide him a transportation that can take him and Amir to the secure place. Baba, his son Amir and the other people leave Afghanistan by truck, but the unexpected thing happened, which make Baba could bear to see the harassment upon one of the passenger of the truck as indicated on page 100. Chapter 10:
“That was when Baba stood up. It was my turn to clamp a hand on his thigh, but Baba pried it loose, snatched his leg away.”

It is said Baba defend the woman who accepted the harassment from Russian soldier. Here Baba shows his human feeling, he dare to put his life in danger for the one who deserve to defend. In spite of his stony character , it is found a sensitive feeling upon the others. Continue to page 101. Chapter 10:
“Baba slapped my hand away. “Haven’t I taught you anything? He snapped. He turned to the grinning soldier. “Tell him he’d better kill me good with that first shot. Because if I don’t go down, I’m tearing him to pieces, goddamn his father!”

It is clearly stressed that Baba is willingly to put his life in danger for that woman, him in the second line indicates to the soldier who cruelly harasses the woman. Baba chooses to be him as the victim of harassment rather that woman. The golden action that is done by Baba , is not everyone dares to do. It can be said that Baba is who care about the people who need help. Upon the defense of Baba, the solder stop harassing the woman, and the truck is allowed to leave. The goodness is rewarded by goodness as well, in the middle of journey as showed on page 102. Chapter 10:
“WE RODE IN SILENCE for about fifteen minutes before the young woman’s husband suddenly stood and did something I’d seen many other do before him: He kissed Baba’s hand.”

It is an honor for Baba who just defended the marriage woman. The husband of that woman humbly thanks to Baba for what Baba has done. The statement above also indicates that Baba has very sensitive emotional feeling, Page 104. Chapter 10:
“Baba snorted a pinch of his snuff. Stretched his legs. “What’ll save us is eight cylinders and a good carburetor.”…..

Baba is trying to fix the situation that he faces the problem with transportation in the middle of journey. He is not even sure that truck will take them to destination. Still be on the journey that left the royalty for saving his life. Page 105. Chapter 10:
“ We left that night, Baba and I, Kamal and his father, the other. Karim and his cousin, a square-faced balding man named Aziz, helped us get into the fuel tank.”

It is said that the truck was already fixed and the journey goes on and the unsecure condition made Baba left his previous identity as rich man. He is willing to do for saving his and his son’s life. That is not smooth journey, as indicated on page 108. Chapter 10:
“Baba knelt beside him and curled an arm around his shoulder.
Baba acts like a healer who relives the pain. During the journey Baba is the one who overcomes the trouble. After a long and exhausted journey, Baba finally reaches destination as it is said in the following statement, clearly on page 109. Chapter 11:
“Baba loved the idea of United States of America (USA)…It was living in United States of America (USA) that gave him an ulcer”

It says that Baba does not like too much living in United States of America (USA), as he thought the United States of America (USA) was not familiar land. The italic word (idea) shows that Baba choice United States of America (USA) as there is no more destination to head. He prefers to stay in Israel as a true land, it indicates on page 109. Chapter 11:
“In Baba’s view, Israel was an Island of “real men” in a sea of Arabs too busy getting fat off their oil to care for their own.”

It is radically said that Baba tends to support the living in Israel rather than United States of America (USA). In his perception the Israel people pay attention to much on social issue.


3.5 Assef
Assef is a young boy who live in the same town with Amir and his family. Assef come from sufficient family in Kabul. His father is the famous one in Kabul. Page 33. Chapter 4:
“Assef was the son of one of my father’s friend, Mahmood, an airline pilot. His family lived a few street south of our home, in a posh, high-walled compound with palm trees.”

The quotation above said that Assef lived in beautiful house not so far from the resident of Amir. Beside, Assef is also a nice looking boy. He is not fully the ascendant of Afghanistan that it makes his face different with other Afghan boys. Page 33. Chapter 4:
“Born to a German mother and Afghan father, the blond, blue-eyed Assef towered over the other kids.”

Assef is a taller boy than the other. He find him self that he is taller and has a very special look so that he acts like the ruler who treats the other boys like a servant as indicated in the following statement. Page 33. Chapter 4:
“Flanked by his obeying friends , he walked the neighborhood like a Khan strolling through his land with his eager-to-please entourage.”

It again stresses that Assef has a group of boy who always accompany him. Assef was admired by the boys who consider him as the leader. Surely, by his wealthy he can easily find the boys who obey him fully. It is again indicated on page 34. Chapter 4:
“ Of all the neighborhood boys who tortured Ali, Assef was by far the most relentless.”

Assef has no empathy to other persons, he even uses his friend to insult and tortured. Assef has no humanity senses, he shows his power to whom he considers worthy of accepting his violence trait. The antagonists character in the novel of ‘The Kite Runner’, the boy who toys the weakness of the other boys. As indicated on page 43. Chapter 6:
“Ahmad had epilepsy and always wore wool vest and thick black-rimmed glasses-he was one of Assef’s regular victim.

It is said that Assef’s has a malice habit to disturb the imperfection boys. The example is Ahmad as the support person in the novel. Assef has a short play in this novel, he is not mentioned since the main character (Amir)’s gone to California. He was recalled when he and Amir grew up. The villain traits still reflect from his character as indicated on page 245. Chapter 21:
“Whatever happened to old Babalu,anyway”
Assef involved a conversation with Amir when Amir came back to Afghanistan to find his a half nephew (the son of Hassan). The quotation contains a disrespectful question that might hurt Amir. He seems to be hard to respect the other. Continue to page 246. Chapter 21:
“He laughed.”What did you think? That you’d put on a fake beard and I wouldn’t recognize you? Here’s something I’ll bet you never knew about me: I never forget a face. Not ever.”

In the world the one who we hate and we love are unforgettable. In this side, Assef remember Amir in hatred way. Assef easily identifies his old hatred friend. Still on page 246. Chapter 21:
“...Have you ever heard of Rockingham? Western Australia, a slice of heaven. You should see it, miles and mile of beach. Green water, blue skies. My parents live there, in beachfront villa. There’s a golf course behind the villa and a little lake...”

Asse want to show his resistance upon the escape of Amir and his father. Assef shows that he is not tempted with luxury of life. He left the wealthy for fighting with Talib in Afghanistan. He indirectly accuses that Amir is a coward running away from his county instead of join with Talib like him. He is so sure that what he has done was right. He keep going on telling Amir about his story during his life in Afghanistan. As indicated on page 247. Chapter 21:
“…I spent some time in jail, at Poleh Charckhi, just after Babrak Karmal took over in 1980. I ended up there one night, when a group of Parchami soldier marched into our house and ordered my father and me at gunpoint to follow them...”

The above quotation shows that Assef is a brave man who dare to face the colonists where occupying his country. The jail has taught him to revenge by joining with Taliban and become a stony person. Soon, he was released from the jail, he is awarded a crucial position in Taliban group. Page 250. Chapter 21:
“ He shoved Sohrab in the back, pushed him right into the table. Sohrab’s hips struck the table, knocking it upside down an spilling the grapes.”

Assef traits a boy (the nephew of Amir) like a toy, he used that boy to entertain him and was not ever good in taking any action. The quotation above shows that Assef used to trait that boy rudely and traumatizes with sexual abused. Still on page 250. Chapter 21:
“We have some unfinished business, you and I.”..Assef said.
Apparently, Assef bear a walk to remember problem with Amir. Assef is a typical person who always recalls the disgraceful memory. He unsatisfied before he hurts Amir as his long-life enemy.

3.6 Soraya
Soraya is a daughter of General Taheri who originates from the Afghanistan and whose performance tempted Amir. As indicated on page 123. Chapter 11:
“Before she turned to go, I saw she had a brown, sickle-shaped birthmark on the smooth skin just above her left jaw line. She walked to a dull gray van two aisles away and put the thermos inside. Her hair spilled to one side when she kneeled amid boxes of old records and paperbacks…..”My daughter, Soraya jan,”. General Taheri said.

Soraya is a beautiful woman who easily attracts the man. Soraya has oval face match with her slim body. She just wears casual dress that show she is a simple Afghanistan woman who lives in Freemont California. No wonder if Amir (main character) imagines Soraya almost all the time. Page 125. Chapter 12:
“After I met Soraya Taheri, every night of the week became a yielda for me. And when Sunday morning comes, I rose from my bed, Soraya Taheri’s brown-eyed face already in my bed.”

The above quotation indicates that Soraya has made Amir thinking of her. It naturally happens to the man who falls in love at the first sight. Amir seems to be hard to forget Soraya as the woman who has attracted his feeling. Continue to page 126. Chapter 12:
“She was alone, reading. White ankle-length summer dress today. Open-toed sandals. Hair pulled back and crowned with a tulip-shaped bun.”

It indicates that reading is one of Soraya’s hobby. And his style is not so glamorous which can be indicated that she is a simple woman. Continue to page 129. Chapter 12:
“…When she saw us, her eyes bounced from Soraya to me and back. She smiled.”

Soraya is not only beautiful but she is also a typical of hospitable person, she unlikely ignores the person who greets her especially Amir whom she just met. The hospitality that she has, it also indicates on page 131. Chapter 12:
“…Soraya was more relaxed, more talkative with her mother around. As if her presence legitimized whatever was happening between us-though certainly not to the same degree that the general’s would have.”

The above quotation also indicates that Soraya is a kind of woman who adapts herself with composure situation and it shows that she maturely thinks before taking action. In following line of the quote also says that Soraya is very hospitality with his mother especially. The friendliness that she had, can heal the nervousness and daring Amir to express his intention. Continue to page 131. Chapter 12:
“One day, Soraya and I were alone at their booth, talking. She was telling me about school, how she too was working on her general education classes, at Ohlone Junior College in Freemont.”

The quotation above clearly says that Soraya is easy to have conversation with the people. She is fond of telling about her life to Amir. Usually, a woman or a man who tells her/his personal story to the other might have a purpose, here can be said that Soraya also has the felling to Amir. By frequent meeting with Amir, Soraya day by day fall interest to have love of Amir. She likes to be married with Amir. As indicate on page 147. Chapter 13:
“Soraya appeared at the end. Dressed in a stunning wine-colored traditional Afghan dress with long sleeves and gold trimmings...Soraya came to us, tailed by a procession of young female relatives.“

Soraya is becoming a bride who wears the bride dress on the weeding day. Even though she lives away from her country, she still respects the culture of the place where she belongs and performs the Islam rules. Soraya has found someone who has completed her life, and her married with Amir goes so smooth, no quarrel happens. Page 312. Chapter 25:
“SORAYA HAD TURNED THE STUDY upstairs into a bedroom for Sohrab. She led him in and he sat on the edge of the bed.”

Soraya realizes that her husband nephew is also her nephew. She is good in taking care of Sohrab (the son of Hassan who has been brought to United States of America (USA) by Amir). She has a motherhood feeling upon Sohrab that she has to nurse him heartedly.

3.7 The Theme of ‘The Kite Runner’
Amir betrayed his loyal and obeyed friend Hasan. It shows when Hassan was attacked in alley and sex abused which gives the whole of Amir’s childhood a bad taste. The tragedy that occurred to Hassan made Amir felt guilty almost all the time, and he regrets so much of the tolerance upon the embarrassed behavior. And Amir redeems by seeking Hassan’s son.

3.8 Moral Message of ‘The Kite Runner’
The main character spends his childhood doing things he regrets, and his greatest regret appears to be in response to his lack of action (for example, after the rape). His whole life revolves around this regret, and when he is offered a chance to make things better (by returning and finding the boy), he is finally ready for action. The writer can assume that the author is trying to convey the idea that we can redeem ourselves, no matter what we did or didn't do and it again shows us the moral of ‘The Kite Runner’ is that those who allow injustice thrive and those who behave morally gets screwed and the evil-doers end up raising their kids.


4.1 Conclusion
In dealing with conclusion the writer will conclude briefly the characters, theme and moral message in the novel are as follows:
Amir — protagonist, narrator of the novel, said to be born in 1963, in Kabul, who begins as a well-to-do boy in monarchical Afghanistan and later migrates to United States of America (USA) following the downfall of the monarchy. Amir is Hassan's half-brother; however, Amir does not learn of their relationship until much later in his life. Hassan never learns of the relationship.
Hassan — a childhood friend of Amir, although Amir never explicitly admitted to this. He is described as having a China doll face and green eyes. Hassan is first thought to be the son of Ali (Baba's servant and inexplicit childhood friend) and Sanaubar; later in the story, Hassan is revealed to be the illegitimate son of Baba and Sanaubar. Hassan died without ever knowing about the truth of his paternity.
Assef — a sadistic, sociopathic teenage rapist (and later notorious pedophile) from Amir's neighborhood in Kabul, antagonist. He is described as being exceptionally handsome, blonde and blue-eyed. As a teenager, he rapes Hassan. As an adult he sexually assaults Hassan's son, Sohrab, and numerous other young children of both sexes. Assef is the son of a German mother and Afghan father. He is a Nazi sympathizer and has a hatred of Hazaras, giving a book about his ‘idol’ Adolf Hitler to Amir for his thirteenth birthday. Many years later, he becomes an executioner and pedophile, when he is a part of the Taliban. Sohrab severely damages one of Assef's eyes during Assef's fight with Amir.
Baba — The father of Amir and Hassan. He is said to be born in the year 1933 (when the Afghan king begins his 40-year reign). He is described as a big, strong, healthy looking man with wild brown hair and beard. Baba is depicted to be of about 1.96 meter (6'5") in height. He loves throwing parties (when he had a large house and many friends in Kabul), and is known for his strength. (He is said to have fought with a black bear and won the fight, in his younger years). Baba is a successful business man and a benevolent force in the community, helping many other people establish businesses for themselves and constructing an orphanage. During the book, Baba seems to be a bit disappointed in his son Amir, who he wishes to be as much of a man as he is (but his son only reads books and lets others fight off bullies for him). After leaving Afghanistan for United States of America (USA), he ages quickly and dies at fifty-three, in 1987, of cancer. He lives long enough, though, to see his son Amir marry a young Afghan woman called Soraya. Many people attend his funeral.
Soraya — an Afghan woman living in Fremont, California. She marries Amir. Soraya wants to become a teacher. Before marrying Amir, she ran away with an Afghan boyfriend in Virginia, which, according to Afghan tradition, made her unsuitable for marriage. Because Amir also had his own regrets, he loved and married her anyway. Soraya desperately wants to have children but cannot conceive a child, attributed to "Unexplained Infertility".
While talking about the theme in the novel is very sensitively element which describes all the events in novel where the character involved themselves in different part. However, it results the easiness of understanding what the novel say in which describes about the chaos and betrayal that was looking for the escape from the culture of his (main character) birth. Though he enjoyed much of childhood, Hassan's attack in the alley gives the whole of Amir's childhood a bad taste. The destination that they choose brought them to the embraced of the happiness that they found in Afghan community in California, those who do not forget about the culture in their homeland.
In each single novel may not go out from its moral message which makes the readers to adopt some moral advantage from the novel. ‘The Kite Runner’ also serves the moral message which deals with the greatest regret appears from the soul of main character (Amir). Therefore his entire life revolve around regret, knowing the regrets create the uncomfortable life so he must be looking for a chance to redeem his regretful by returning and finding the boy (son of Hassan). Then, ‘The Kite Runner’ is morally written to those who allow injustice thrive and those behave morally gets screwed and getting the obstacle in raising their kids.

4.2 Suggestion
In order to synchronize the conclusion above, the writer needs to convey suggestion to my beloved readers that in analyzing the character and theme, the writer is fully aware of lack of knowledge, enlightenments and time to do accurately and perfectly research on the characters, theme and moral message in the novel of ‘The Kite Runner’. So, the writer is expecting that there will be readers who would like to apply the research more detail about the character, theme and moral message of ‘The Kite Runner’.

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Name : Miswari
Place/Date of Birth : Paya Cut/ September 12, 1986
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Nationality/Ethnic : Indonesia/Aceh
Marital Status : Married
Occupation : University Student
Address : Merduati, Kecamatan Kutaraja-Banda Aceh
Nim : 04112017
a. Wife’s Name : Widya Sari
b. Father’s Name : Alm. Usman
c. Mother’s Name : Saidah
d. Address : Kota Juang, Bireuen
Education Background :
- Elementary School MIN I Peusangan 1992-1998
- Junior High School MTsN I Kota Juang 1998-2001
- Senior High School STM Polo Brayan, Medan 2001-2004
- University of Abulyatama Aceh 2004-2010

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